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ZODIACS... And how they react during a plane malfunctioning !

+ Some pictures of the Zodiacs I found on Pinterest below!

Aries - "Screw you all, I'm getting outta here!"

Taurus - guys calm down, and let's get everything to safety

Gemini - -gets phone out -

Cancer - why me why me why me why me why me why me why me why me

Leo - runs around yelling out orders

Virgo - internally screaming, but trying not to show it


Scorpio - I wOndEr whY the plaNe crashed ?

Sagittarius - -jumps out of the plane- LOL YOLO ;3

Capricorn - well now I have an excuse to be late.

Aquarius - -vigorously accuses someone on the plane that they hijacked the system-

Pisces - zZZzzzzZzz

So I found these pictures on Pinterest that I thought I would share with you all!

So I found these pictures on Pinterest that I thought I would share with you all!

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