hOld mY gEetAr

346 8 29

Don't ask ^

So I've been tagged
For the 19373919 times.
Yup so I have I believe an another tag to do after this so ;-; rip
Tagged by~ livingin_myhead
(If I skipped this what would be the punishment? Lmao)

Yup so I have I believe an another tag to do after this so ;-; ripTagged by~ livingin_myhead(If I skipped this what would be the punishment? Lmao)

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This is the hard part for me ●︿●

1) I'm a Chicago Cubs fan 🐻

2) I'm a horror fanatic

3) I like to be scared so I got to Haunted Houses to scare myself

4) I'm a SlytherClaw 💙🖤💚 🐦🖤🐍

8 mOrE faCtS? 😣

5) I love the Hunger Games

6) I'm an only child, yay me I get all the attention 👋🙃

7) I've talked to my cousin in emojis before (like complete sentences which I'm proud of for some reason)

8) I'm an A+ psychopath cx

9) one of my dream deaths is to be killed by a walker aka a zombie in the apocalypse, or just an intense death in general, now that I think about it that's kinda weird...🤔

10) I like making theories 🔎

11) I like making Aesthetics, and not to brag, but I'm pretty good ;)

12) I can get into a new fandom faster then you can say "Hiya"

13) I'm way more confident online and on here, more than I am irl :(

RandomGaynes (if I do tags you do them too ^3^)
Yeah that's all have fun RandomGaynes :)

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