Part 10

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PoV: May

"She's talking about her pet Sapphire, but what dog talks."

"She's weird."

"Hey, do you want to play?" I ran up to the wishpering girl. I knew they were being mean, but if we played together a little we could be friends, "We can be friends."

"We're don't want play and games," one said.

"We can read stories-"

"We don't want to play with you."

"Oh... Okay..." I walked back to the swings, "At least I get to play with Sapphire all day at home!" I smiled, I learned something new to teach him, "I hope you're good today Sapphire."
PoV: Sapphire

"We pick up May now?" I asked.

"We pick her up in... one hour," Hana answered, she had a grey thing on her lap.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Work," she answered.

"Work?" I looked at the thing, weird stuff was all over it.

"I'm a computer programmer. I fix other people's errors in their codes. Since my job is small, I'm allowed to work from home," she hit a blue button and the with things disappeared, "All done."

"Play?" I asked.

"Not right now, we need to go pick May, remember?"

"May! May! May!" She's finally coming home.

"Let's go," Hana put me back into the carseat and we drove to a red building.

"May!" I saw her sitting with a book and some crayon.

"Sapphire, you have to keep your voice down inside. Okay," Hana took me out of the car.

"Okay," she held my hand as we walked inside.

  The walls were colorful. You could see pictures everywhere. I couldn't read much, but May did teach me her name. M-A-Y.

  I found her name on part of a paper. But... it was ripped, none of the other's were. Why aren't the others...

"Oh no..." Hana touched the paper, "Those bratty girls. No matter what I tell their parents it doesn't stop."

"They're being mean..." I let go of Hana's hand.

"Sapphire, hold my hand. I don't want you to get lost," Hana reached for me and I backed away, "Sapphire."

  I ran, I had to find May. I didn't want anyone to be mean to her. Never!
PoV: May

"What's that? Another picture of Sapphire?" The girls came back.

"Yeah, this when I was teaching him how to count. He knows his numbers up to thirty now," I colored in his green eyes.

"There's no such thing as a blue animal. Only birds are that color," they took my book, "He'd be better with black fur."

"No!" The took my crayons, "Don't draw on him!"

  They covered the page in black, brown, and grey colors.

"There, much better," they threw it back.

"You guys are mean. That's why no one plays with you," I tore the page out.

"May!" I turned around, Sapphire was at the door into the playground.

"Sapphire!" He ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hana said I could come get you," his hair was short.

"He's real..." the girls backed away.

"I told you so," I hugged him back, "Sapphire, you got a hair cut."

"Yeah, Hana took me. Ana Banana gave me a lollipop," he said.

"Lucky. I hope you were a good boy today," I picked up my colors and the book.

"Hey, cat thing," they pulled ear.

"Don't do that!" Couldn't get her hand off.

"Why are you friends with her. She gave you a dumb name like Sapphire. I'll give you a better one."

"It hurts..." he couldn't get her hand off him either, "Let go..." they grabbed his cheek and arm too.

"You're being too rough!" I pushed them off him, "It's okay Sapphire," I picked him up, "We can put a bandaid on it later."

"Don't be friends with her she with her, she's weird. We're cool, you can be friends with us," the tried grabbing him.

"I don't... want to be friends with you," Sapphire stopped crying, "You're mean. I don't like mean people like you."

"Fine, we don't want an ugly thing like you anyway!" The girls ran off.

"May, Sapphire," Mom ran up to us, "There you are. Sapphire, don't you ever run off like that again do you understand me- Oh sweetheart," Mom hugged me, "Those girls weren't being mean to you again were they."

"No, they were mean to Sapphire. They pinched his ear and call him ugly-"

"May you don't have to worry about that-"

"You're mean to him too Mommy!" I pushed here away and picked up Sapphire, "Why are you mean to him? He's a good boy but you never give him treats. Only Ashely gives him ice cream after dinner. You're mean to him too. Dad would have loved him."

"That's enough May. We're going home," Mom made us go home, she worked on her computer all night. Ashley had to make dinner.

"May," Ashley put me on her lap, "I need to talk to you."

"I don't want to talk," I got down.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Cause I'm gonna get in trouble for yelling at Mommy," I knew that was gonna happen.

"It's not because you yelled. Why didn't you tell us the girls at school were taking your lunch?" She said.

"Because, even if they make me sad Sapphire makes me happy again. It doesn't matter cause I have Sapphire to play with at home," I wrote out the letters of the alphabet to teach him.

"You are so brave, you know that?" Big sister hugged me, "Would you like to take Sapphire to school with you?"

"Yes! He can learn from teachers," I could play with him all day.

"You have to teach him his letters and how to read. Then we'll see if we can get him into ypur school, okay?"

"I will!"

"You want to go the beach on Saturday?"

"Yeah! Sapphire can meet his octopus mommy."

"Be good and I'll take okay."


  Sapphire's gonna meet his mommy.


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