"Kellin, someone's here to see you." Jenna's soft voice made me stop. I glanced up to see Jenna's face peeking into the room. I cocked my head to the side and studied her. I could only see her face, because the rest of her was hiding behind the door, but I could tell she was scared. She had an unsure expression, and she was shaking quite a bit. As for what she said, I ignored it. It's not unknown for people to lie in here. I went back to rocking.
I heard a sigh, and then the creaking of the old door. I looked up again and Jenna was all the way in here. Hmm, someone's daring today. Shortly after she came in, a man came in. He was really tall. And really Mexican, from what it looked like. He had a little bit of facial hair and a lot of tattoos. I squinted at him in confusion. I had never seen him before, so why was he visiting me?
"Kellin, this is Michael Fuentes..." She was still talking, but I quit listening. Where had I heard the name Fuentes before?
I wracked my brain for the answer, but I couldn't find it. Fuentes..Fuentes...Nothing. The name was so familiar, but I couldn't figure out why.
"Do I know you?" I blurted out, finally meeting the stranger's eyes. He narrowed his eyes--not out of spite, out of mere curiosity--and spoke.
"I don't think so. Why?" He asked, still studying me like I was a rare specimen. I was still lightly rocking back and forth. It was like a tick--I couldn't stop.
"I've heard the name Fuentes before." I admitted, staring back to the just-as-blinding white floor. I heard the guy--Mike--make a noise of...surprise?
"What?" I demanded. I wasn't in the mood for this shit. I just wanted answers.
"Does the name Vic sound familiar?" Vic. Yes. That was it. I had been madly in love with him...how could I forget? I was a freshmen hopelessly in love with a senior. That means that Vic would be about twenty now. And I'm barely seventeen. I didn't bother answering the question. I didn't even care why they were here anymore. My thoughts were only focused on Vic. I remember every aspect of him as if I'd seen him yesterday. As if it hadn't been two years.
He looked similar to Mike, except he was much shorter. He had the same tanned skin, same brown eyes...
"Kellin?" Jenna interrupted my thoughts much as she had when she came in here.
"Why is here?" I asked.
"He's doing a paper for school. He has to interview someone of his choosing, and he chose you." She said in an unsure voice. I glanced at Mike.
"Why would you choose me?" I asked. I was really suspicious, actually. Of all the people he could have chosen, he chooses me, a boy who's been locked in an asylum for two years because he killed his parents.
"Because! You were all everyone was talking about two years ago. You killing your parents was like the talk of the town for six months. And I didn't even think they'd allow me to interview you since you're...." He trailed off. I glared up at him.
"Since I'm crazy?" I dared him to confirm the thought. He looked, not scared, but uncomfortable.
"That's not what--"
"Sure it wasn't." I cut in. He didn't need to lie to me. I knew he thought I was crazy. Everyone thinks I'm crazy.
"Alright, well...come along, Kellin. You and Michael will be doing the interview in the courtyard." I stopped rocking and froze. I was never allowed to leave this room. Under any circumstances, much less an interview. Something was going on.
"But I'm never allowed to leave my room." I stated, staring at Jenna. I was trying to read her, get any trace of what might be going on, but I couldn't. She was nervous, but that much was obvious.