By the time my alarm started going off, I had been asleep for maybe a half hour. I turned it off and started rummaging through the closet. Vic had given me Mike's room after he found out he was dead, although I knew he questioned his decision. What was I supposed to wear? I mean, from what Aria was wearing yesterday, I would guess that there wasn't really a dress code. I shrugged and grabbed some regular blue skinny jeans and a black sweater. I slipped my shoes on and tried to run a comb through my hair, but it was being difficult so I decided that it didn't matter.
I walked out into the kitchen to see Vic sitting at the table, reading the newspaper. He didn't so much as glance at me when I walked in to make myself some toast. I wanted to say something, but at the same time it wasn't really my problem that he was angry with me. So, I just ate my toast in silence.
"You look like you got zero sleep last night," Aria commented as soon as I walked in. I rolled my eyes and stood at my place behind the cash register. She was right when she said mornings weren't busy. Over the span of the entire morning, we got maybe three customers. It picked up a little as the day dragged on though. Even though I was running on a mere thirty minutes of sleep, I felt just fine. I was putting everyone's orders in correctly and handing back the correct amount of change. I was actually doing surprisingly well.
Our main rush was around six, but even then it wasn't terrible. But now it was seven, and I was free to go. Aria had encouraged me to wait on a few tables, so I earned about twenty dollars in tips, which I didn't plan to spend. I needed to save up as much money as I could. She also told me I'd be earning about eight dollars an hour, and I'd be paid every other Friday. My schedule was acceptable, too. I worked from 10-7 each day everyday except for Saturday and Sunday. And today is Wednesday, so that means I'll be paid in two days, and although I wont get as much since I just started, it'll still be money.
I decided to walk to work because it was only about four blocks away form Vic's house, plus I needed to conserve as much gas as I could manage. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jeans and began my walk home. It was pretty dark and all of the streets were vacant of cars. The only light I got was the dim gleam from the street lights. I was nearly home when I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and I was forced into a nearby alleyway. How fucking cliche.
The attacker pinned me against the rough brick building, not moving his hand from my mouth. Why would I even scream? There's no one around that would hear me. Plus, I like handling things myself. I brought my eyes up to look at the man, but he was wearing a ski mask. Did no one tell him that muggers only do that in the movies?
"Give me your wallet and I'll think about letting you go." He growled, but I only smiled beneath his hand. Did he think I was scared? I ripped his hand from my mouth and twisted him around to where we had switched positions. Now he was the one pinned to the wall.
"Targeting little gay boys, huh? See, that's the problem with stereotypes. Although you didn't know I was gay, you knew I was a scrawny boy. You assumed I was the easiest target. I suggest you don't let assumptions blind you." I said simply before throwing him on the ground and walking away. If he was smart, he wouldn't follow me. But then again, he was probably dumb either way. I could've killed him, but that's not what I was about anymore. As much as I would've loved snapping his neck and watching the life escape from his body, I'm more focused on making myself a better person.
I kept walking but I stopped in front of an ancient looking apartment building. I shrugged before walking inside. I might as well start looking now. I walked up to the bored looking lady behind the counter. She was typing away on her computer, but when she saw me, she stopped.
"Can I help you with something, sir?" She asked. I tapped my finger on the desk while I began speaking.
"Uh, I was just wondering if there was anyone looking for a roommate here?" I knew it'd be cheaper to just room with someone rather than live alone. Living alone means paying all of the bills alone, and I really couldn't afford to do that right now, but I needed out of Vic's house. It's not that I don't want to live with him, because I love living with him, I just want to see how well I can do on my own in the real world. I need to know how to handle myself if Vic and I were to have a huge disagreement and I'd need to leave.
"Let me look." The lady said, making my thoughts scramble. I leaned against the counter and waited. It only took her a few seconds though.
"Ah, yes. It says that Mr. Justin Hills is in search of a roommate." Justin Hills. Yet another boy I went to school with. Here we go again, putting all of my faith into this hair dye. If he recognizes me, I'm as good as busted.
"Would you like me to take you to his room?" She asked, rising from her seat. I nodded and followed her to the elevators. The ride was completely silent, but it's not like I expected her life story. She led me down the hallway a few rooms until we stopped in front of one: 36B. She knocked on the door and only seconds later a boy opened it. The first thing I noticed about him was how blue his eyes were. I blinked and looked at the rest of him. He was in basketball shorts and a gray tank top. I noticed that he had both of his ears pierced too. He wasn't bad looking. He looked at me and tilted his head slightly. I got instantly worried. Did he recognize me?
"Who's this?" He directed his question at the lady who had brought me up here. She turned to me.
"What's your name, hun?" She asked quietly. I shifted uncomfortably.
"Kellin." I mumbled. The lady turned back to Justin.
"This is Kellin. He was wondering about finding someone who wanted a roommate. The system said you've been looking for one, so I brought him here. Would you like to interview him?" Justin shifted his gaze to me and I felt uncomfortable. He seemed to be analyzing every little detail about me, and it put me on edge. His eyes snapped back to the lady.
"Yeah, I'll interview him." He said, practically dismissing her. She nodded and walked back down the hallway toward the elevators.
"Come in...Kellin." I almost forgot how to work my legs. The way he said my name... I shrugged it off and stepped inside of the apartment. I started looking around, not getting far before I heard the door close and I turned back, locking eyes with Justin. He was giving me an odd smile that made me highly uncomfortable. He came a little closer, but stopped before he got too close. His smile widened before he started talking.
"I know who you are."