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Pictures. Of me. Everywhere. I stepped into the room to get a closer look at the horrific scene. I took a closer look at all of the photos. Some were me walking in the dark. Some were taken from outside my bedroom window, but that wasn't what alarmed me. It was the fact that most of the photos were me in the process of killing someone. They were numbered too. I picked up photo number one, which was me stabbing Austin Carlile. I flipped it over and read the neat script scribbled on the back

'Kellin stabbing Austin, October 7th, 2011.'

I set the photo down and looked through the rest. Number two was my second kill. Danny Worsnop. Cocky asshole.

'Kellin snapping Danny's neck, October 19th, 2011.' More chills went down my spine. Who was this girl? And why had she been stalking me for the past three years? I looked through more photos until one made me stop. It was me, raising the knife to stab my mother. She had been there that night? I dropped the photo. I was about to leave when one of the photos caught my attention. I picked it up and studied it. I wasn't killing anyone. I was sitting on the floor hugging my knees to my chest. My surroundings were white, and I instantly recognized where this was taken. It was taken when I was in Radley. That was impossible...There was no way. Sure, there's windows in Radley, but they have bars to prevent people escaping or committing suicide. Not only that, Radley had high security surrounding the building. Why would they let someone get so close to a window? Then again, I managed to escape.

I dropped the photo and ran out of the room, locking it and storing the key in it's place. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach as I went to my room and shut the door. This girl has been watching me...but why? None of this was making any sense. I felt a little unsafe housing with my stalker. After pondering, I decided that I'd make a run for it once she got back with my clothes and I'd need to dye my hair.


About an hour went by before I heard Nessa's car pull into the driveway. She came in holding tons of bags, and although any clothes would have to do, I hoped that she didn't have the fashion sense of a nun. She shoved the bags into my arms, and I took them and started walking back to my room.

"If any of the clothes don't fit, tell me. I'll take them back." She said sweetly. It was a shame that was was crazy, because she was really nice. The crazy ones always are. I realize that it may be hypocritical of me to bash crazy people, but as I've said, I'm not crazy. I may not be perfectly stable, but who is? At least I have a properly functioning brain, unlike most of the dreadful humans in Rosewood, or the world for that matter.

I set the bags on my bed and took out all of the clothes. From what I saw, she did okay. I decided on some black skinny jeans and a navy blue sweater. It was fitting for the weather. October was here, and fall was upon us. I looked into the other bags and found more clothes, a pair of black converse, and some black hair dye. I scrunched my nose. I never pictured myself with black hair.

I shrugged and ran into the bathroom that went off of my room. I applied the dye, leaving no trace of my natural brown hair. I let it sit and then rinsed it out. I put the clothes on and dried my hair a little before I looked in the body mirror in my room. I barely recognized myself. I normally never would have worn this, but I liked it. And the black hair didn't look as terrible as I had thought it might. I needed to come up with a plan. If I left here, where would I go? I had no where to go. But I did have an Idea.

I walked out into the living room to see Nessa staring at a wall. I squinted my eyes in confusion, but eventually spoke up.

"Hey, Nessa?" She blinked as if I'd startled her and looked at me.

"Wow! Your hair turned out great, and those clothes suit you just as well as I thought they would." She said cheerily. I mustered up a fake smile.

"Hey, do you mind if I use your car?" I asked, fidgeting with my fingers. She dug in her purse until she brought out a keychain with four keys on it. She grabbed the one that must have gone to the car and took it off. She held it out to me and I took it.

"Thanks. I'll be back soon." It was a lie, but I couldn't just say "Hey, I'm taking your car, and I'm probably not coming back. Have a nice life, bye!" She smiled and went back to staring at the wall. I gave her an odd look and walked out of the door. I got into the car and drove away.

I didn't know where I was going, but the nearest town was Hummingwood. It wasn't the ideal town, but it was somewhere I could go unnoticed. With the hair, I won't be as easily recognized. I felt a little guilty about leaving Nessa that way, but at the same time, I needed out of there. I was shaking and on edge the entire drive. When I finally got into Hummingwood, I calmed down a little. But I still didn't know where I was going. It was getting late, so not many places would be open.

I pulled into a what looked like a bar and killed the engine. I sighed as I pushed the car door open and walked toward the doors. I took a seat and waved the bartender away when he came over to get my order. I wasn't here for drinks, I just needed a place to kill time until I figured out what to do. My thoughts wandered to Nessa, if that was even her real name. Why had she been stalking me? It really didn't make any sense. I'd never seen her before in my life. What if she comes after me when I don't come back? I shuddered at the thought. It occurred to me that she was a pretty smart girl if she managed to sneak around me like that all this time. It probably wouldn't take her long to figure out I came to Hummingwood.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bartender slammed a drink in front of my face. I lightly pushed it away.

"I didn't order this." I stated absentmindedly. I had better things on my mind than alcohol.

"You didn't, but he did." The bartender gestured to a guy across the bar before going back to cleaning glasses. I followed where he had pointed and my eyes widened in surprise when I saw who it was.


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