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I tried to stay away from Vic as much as I could after the lake, but you can only avoid someone that you're living with for so long. And it didn't help anything that I agreed to help out with Mike's funeral. It was all he ever talked about. But, the planning was over now. The actual thing is later tonight, and as much as I'd like to skip, Vic won't allow it. I know he can't actually force me to go, but I feel like I need to. Vic is going to need someone, and since I'm the reason he's dead, the least I could do is go to the funeral. Even though I shouldn't go. Aside from the funeral, my mind wandered to Nessa. She hasn't come after me, and it was a little unsettling. As much as I tried to keep it out of my mind, it kept making it's way back. But I really had bigger things to worry about. Such as finding a job.

I've been sitting outside the Hummingwood Cafe for about ten minutes now. I never saw myself working in the food industry, but I couldn't really be picky about this. It was the only place I've seen that's hiring. I took in a breathe, unbuckling my seat belt. I needed to just get this over with. I got out of the car and made my way to the double doors leading inside. I opened the door and saw the layout for the first time. I've never been to Hummingwood before, so I didn't know much about it, but I did know that this cafe was...a little disturbing. I couldn't figure out what the theme was supposed to be, but it wasn't a good one. All of the tables were round and black with chairs to match. The floor was stone, and a chandelier made of bones hung from the ceiling. The wall was lined with framed paintings of ancient-looking people. On every table, there was a candle, which seemed to be the only source of light in this place. The dimness only added to the shivers I got when I first walked in. There was a counter by the far wall. Behind the counter was a girl that looked about my age. She was staring blankly ahead. Her brown hair was in a braid that hung over her shoulder. He eyes were brown and dull. She was as pale as I was, maybe more. I couldn't figure out if she was beautiful or scary. Her eyes suddenly snapped up, meeting mine. Every muscle in my body tightened as fear held me in place.

"Can I help you with something?" Her voice was as lifeless as her eyes seemed to be. I cleared my throat and started walking toward the counter.

"Uh..I was just.." I stopped because I was making a fool of myself. I needed to calm down, but this place wasn't helping me do that. The girl corked her eyebrow impatiently.

"Today would be nice." She said, placing her hands on the counter. I glanced down at them. Her fingernails were long, covered in black polish. Three fingers on each hand held rings.

"I'm sorry. I was just wondering if I could have a job application." There. I finally got it out. Why was that so hard? She laughed humorlessly before turning and walking through a door that said Employees Only. Minutes passed, and she wasn't back yet. This place was giving me major creeps, and I wanted to get out. I can always find a job somewhere else. I turned to leave, but was stopped by the girl's voice.

"Leaving so soon?" I turned back to her nervously. She was standing by the door she had just come out of, holding a piece of paper in the air. "Don't you want this?" She questioned. I gave her an uncomfortable smile and grabbed the paper out of her hands.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I was about to leave when I realized it would probably be easier to just fill it out here so I don't have to worry about it.

"Uh, do you have a pen?" I asked timidly. She smiled before pulling a pin out from beneath the counter. I took it and sat down at one of the nearby tables. I filled it out silently, not making any attempts at small talk with the mysterious girl. She didn't try to make conversation with me either, so it worked. I was nearly done when she actually did speak up.

"My name is Aria, if you were wondering." She said, sounding less dull. I looked at her and she was actually smiling, but it seemed held back, like she wasn't used to doing it.

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