♡2. Awakening

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I woke up with a pain in my neck and an intense hunger. Like one I never knew. I was still tired but that outweighed the hunger I felt.

My hands were restrained to a bedpost and I screamed loud. The kind of scream I never heard myself do, not that I screamed a lot before this. But I sounded different.
"Calm. Down." A voice said.

I finally looked to see a man walk by the canopied bed

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I finally looked to see a man walk by the canopied bed. I never noticed until now. "What's wrong with me!" I screamed at him.

"Can't you figure out what I did to you?" He asked.

"You drugged me!"

"And then...?"

I glared at him, "and then I don't remember."

He scoffed, "feel the pain in your neck and figure it out."

My neck hurt, yes. But why would he bite me? "Why...?" I asked, "vampires aren't real."

He smirked and came closer, "but we are." And I saw his fangs.

"I want to leave.. I'm hungry, I need to go. My family—"

"You have no family. And you aren't leaving..." He said as he untied my hands. "We can feed you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "..We?"

"My family.."

"I'm not.. I don't drink—"

He nodded, "you are half. I made you half of what I am.."

The door opened and another man came in holding yet another man who's hands were behind his back. "Lucius, put him down." He pushed the other man on to the bed in front of me.

I looked down at his pleading eyes. "He's a person.. I'm not gonna drink from a person."
The man who brought him in, Lucius, scoffed at me even though his eyes were always on me. "Drink from him or we kill him." He said.

"Please.. please.." The young man pleaded under me. He was about my age. He pleaded but I don't know what they were for. To feed from him or to not.

I just couldn't do it.

Lucius came over and grabbed my wrist, "fine." He said. He leaned in and bit the mans neck. He held my wrist to make me watch.
The man whimpered and it made me so sad for him, "stop." I said. He didn't.

"Stop!" I yelled and pushed him. He stumbled back and I then realized my great force.

He furrowed his eyes at me and wiped the blood off his lips. He looked over at the blonde, "I want her." He said.

"You have a mate."

"I want her."

"She's not for you." He said sternly.

"Who did you bring her back for, Lestat? Harry? He's going to be very angry.." He said.

The blonde was called Lestat. And then the mention of a man named Harry. How big was this family. I was scared to find out.

The man on the bed with me was still in pain. I could smell his blood. Maybe I really was... half vampire.

I went to put my hand on the side of the mans face, a sign of comfort. My wrist was snatched away and held.
"If you didn't want him then, you can't have him now." Lucius said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Get your hand off her. Take Sky back to his room." Lestat ordered. But Lucius still held my gaze. Still stared deep into me. But I was doing the same to him. I could tell that fascinated him. And bothered him that I was here for someone else.

He grabbed the man they called Sky off the bed and left the room.
"You understand you're here for good. To live. Otherwise, you would be on the street eventually." Lestat said.

"I wouldn't. I have a life."

"Yes, and now you have a new one. You belong here. I knew it the second I saw you. Here, you will never have to worry. You will live like a... queen." He said but the last word had a different sound to it.

What he said sounded... nice. I would be free of everything. I could do whatever. Rejoining the world now as a half vampire wouldn't work. If the smell of that human, Sky's, blood was so strong. The rest of the world would be to.

"I won't drink from humans." I said.

"You don't have to. But the need will grow stronger.. You may change your mind."

I shook my head, "we'll deal with that when the time comes. I want animal blood."

He nodded, "we have it."

"No. I want it now."

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