♡7. You Must Feed

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I rushed into my room and shut the door quickly.
I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't even want anyone to know about what had happened between me and Sky. But I'm sure the entire vicinity of the home knew.

I put my hand to my forehead and tried to relax.

"Rough night?" A voice said and I jumped.

I turned to see Mina. Already in the room.

"Why are you in here?" I asked.
She shrugged and slowly came closer, "after Harry's anger died down, he told me he left you alone with Sky... I wanted to join you but he said once you and him.. ya know, there would be nothing left. You'd be cured of this lust rampage." She said.

I rolled my eyes, "why? Why was it with Sky that I'd be done with it?"

"It works that way sometimes.. But you've done it with all of them.. except Lestat. Harry assumed Sky could end it. And if he couldn't.. there was no way he'd allow Lestat to have his hands on you." She told me.

"They all wanted me.. for what? To make Harry mad?" I asked.

She nodded, "yes, but not completely. They have that sibling rivalry. But because of the way you are.. they'll all lust after you.. they'll all want you. Even if only one is your mate."

I shook my head, "the way I am? They have mates.."

"They do. But you allure the same way Queen Akasha did.. And they all come running."


"She was the mother of us all. Lestat.. was allured by her. Something about her."

my brows stayed furrowed together, "that's why he changed me.."

"that's why he was drawn but until you feed by taking a life, you'll never be a full vampire. You'll never assume your full power." She said. "The hunger gets harder and harder to resist. None of us ever held off for long.. You're half human... we can all smell it. That is in part why they all want you, but not the only thing. Even if you were a full vampire, things wouldn't change." She explained.

I rolled my eyes, "so what does it matter if I feed on a human."

"You are capable of so much. Becoming a full vampire would show you how powerful you can be.. It would be a waste if you didn't.." She said.

Just then, the door opened and Harry came in. He looked at us and his lips twitched into a smile when he saw me. "Mina, Lucius is downstairs.." He said so she would leave.
He stood there watching me as she left and I did the same.

Once the door closed behind her, he sauntered over. Always keeping eye contact.
"You've finished with it?" He asked, referring to the lust I couldn't control.
I nodded and he smiled, "good.. Now it's my turn." He said before kissing me.

His hands grabbed me quickly and pulled me against him. We went to the bed and he lay me down before leaning back to hover over me, "you remember what I said? Don't ever tell me what you did in that room.." He said reminding me. I nodded and he went back to kissing me.

But in my head I thought about what happened with Sky. And how it could happen when I have a mate already.

His hand gripped my thigh tightly and pulled it around his waist, taking me out of my thoughts and making me present as he entered me soon after.
He looked so beautiful. Out of all his brothers, he was the most beautiful. And out of all his brothers, he made me feel the best in a compromising position.

"But what about someone who isn't his brother?" a voice said in my head.

I groaned and scratched my nails down his back, "harder."
I closed my eyes and tried to only feel.
His hands gripped my waist and he found my lips again, "Lilith, open your eyes." He said in his deep voice.

I opened them and he grabbed my neck lightly then my chin, tilting it to look right at him, "what's my name?" He asked.



And he moved into me harder, making my reaction genuine, "Harry!" I moaned loudly.

We both finished and he pulled me to lay next to him. My head on his chest with his arm around me.
"I don't want you to ever remember all the others.. They took advantage of you and I know you couldn't help it—"

"Maybe I should feed... on a.. human?" I said interrupting him, leaning up to look at him.

His eyebrows furrowed, "why?"

I shrugged, "Mina told me I would—"

"You can't always trust what Mina says.. She's Lucius' mate. He's devious and so is she."

I rolled my eyes and sat up completely, "well maybe I want to be a full vampire.."

He sat up too now, "now you want to take a life? You want to see what it's like to kill?" He said, trying to scare me from it.

"No! Because I need to know if what she said was true! Don't you wonder why they all stare at me.. why they all wanted me like I was a mate to all of them?" I asked. "It's not just because of some sibling rivalry.."

He groaned and stood up, "where did Lestat find you?" He asked.

"A party.."

"You were a full human? He stared while you were human?"

I rolled my eyes, "well you know he's the one who bit me before you could." I said.
He came over and grabbed the back of my hair roughly making me look at him, "don't you roll your eyes at me." He said. Part of it was playful but the other part was his temper getting the better of him. The thought of Lestat and me was something he never wanted a reminder of.

"You want to become one of us for real?" He said quietly.

I nodded and he gently kissed me before releasing his grip and moving back to look at me.

"Then yes.. You must feed."

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