♡9. Men Or Mice

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My senses were different. So much better. It's funny that they call vampires the undead. But we have ability's no undead could have.

"Admiring with your new vampire eyes?" A voice said.
I turned and saw Lestat. He found me in the flower garden, taking in the scents and sights.

"It's bizarre.." I said, going back to running my hand along the petals. "Where have you been? Taking advantage of your other brothers mates.."

He laughed and came closer, "the only reason I wanted you for myself was purely because Harry and I... have always been at war for the fun of it.."

"Really? Not because I reminded you of a past lover?" I said, turning to see his eyes. They always held the truth.

He began to speak but I interrupted, "save it. I know about her. I know it's why came for me. But it's fine.. Harry will always be my one and only mate."

He let out a sadistic laugh, "yes, he will.. I think all the truths you're hiding about Sky.. should be cleaned from your eyes. I can see it from here. And even when you refuse contact." He said, "I've always been very good at cleaning someone's conscious.." He whispered before leaving me alone again.

His offer did intrigue me. Because if he could see the feeling I had for Sky.. Could Harry see it too?


I found myself outside of Sky's door but before I could knock, I heard someone getting closer to the hallway.
I quickly opened the door and went inside, closing it behind me.
I let out a breath of relief.


I jumped and saw Sky. Of course.. It was his room after all.

"Do you have feelings for me?" I asked, getting right to the point.
He looked a little bit startled but leaned against the dresser behind him. "Yes. Very very... strongly." He said.

I shook my head, "I don't understand.. I.. I have a mate."

"But I don't."

"That could never work.. How would that ever work?" I asked, fumbled by the idea.

He shrugged, "maybe Harry's not your mate."

I scoffed, such a stupid accusation, "he is. Believe me. And you're only a.. half vampire."

He shook his head, getting irritated. "That's all you have to say?... Really?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up straighter. I felt his anger and it only fuelled mine. If he wanted an argument or a murder.. I would be victorious. Always.

"No.. It's not. You could never be my mate.. You know why?" I asked as I slowly walked over to him. "It's not because your not well endowed.. or not handsome.. or even unworthy of my company." I came close enough to him and put my lips next to his ear, "it's because you cannot take a life." I whispered. I leaned back to look right into his eyes. His flickered with fear and hurt. Mine were stone cold and I knew it.

I trailed my finger slowly down his shirt clad chest, "maybe I'll give you another mere thought when you sink your teeth into someone... Half vampire." I said before letting out a malicious laugh.

I left his room and as soon as I shut the door behind me, I knew I was suddenly different.
I expected it to happen... I just didn't know what would be the thing to set it off.

I did think of the way he looked at me after that. Hurt. But it soon left my mind as I knew he had intended to win that fight when he started it and I couldn't let that happen.

"Penny for your thoughts, beautiful?" Harry said as he came out of the room across the hall and wrapped his arms around me.
I shook my head, "just thinking of a mouse I killed.." I said and he kissed my neck.

A beautiful weak little mouse.
Crushed right in the palm of my hand.

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