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A/N : I love the song pls don't judge lol help

Jisun had her eyes wide open as she was a bit taken back by what Gyuri just said a while ago , They were standing up and looking at each other , Jisun licked her lips and touched it lightly as she got her drink back from Gyuri's hands they both touched hands and they stared at each other for a good long minute , Jisun and Gyuri smiled at each other lightly as the wind started to move and the sun was slowly rising to the very top

" Let's go Jisun ! We should check our dorm rooms first !!! " Gyuri pulled Jisun by her hand and they were holding hands laughing but somehow , Jisun felt a bit weird seeing the girl pulling her right now , it feels like the girl that she met the last time on the vending machine but still , she couldn't put a ring on it .

Maybe her old diary would help-- Jisun and Gyuri already knew their rooms since they got their keys before the admission , Gyuri and Jisun looked for a good minute and immediately dropped their stuff towards their own room.


" Jisun ! What room are you in !!! "

" Ahh... It's on 47 , are u on the same-"

" Yes !!!" Gyuri hugged Jisun way too tightly as the both of them laughed happily with each other , They went straight to their first class which was Chemistry

" Jisun , what's your first class ? "

" ah ! I'm in Chemistry !"

Jisun held Gyuri's hand as they walked down the hallways they were getting stares from everyone but it didn't really matter to them , Jisun and Gyuri sat down on the seats as they talked , up until there was a certain girl who entered the classroom , She sat in front of Jisun and Gyuri as she looked behind , the girl giggled and showed her crescent eye smile

Gyuri liked her and waved , Jisun did the same ...

Time Skip

Jisun was busy taking down some notes till Gyuri gave a little note , Jisun smiled at Gyuri and giggled slightly , Gyuri heard the most beautiful laugh she could hear and bit her lip slightly

'Ah...what's wrong with me ... She can't possibly like me back ... But... I'll just let her like me , Noh Jisun ... I feel like I know you ... Are you telling me something I don't ?'

Gyuri thought as their first class ended , Gyuri waved goodbye to Jisun as Jisun walked away , Gyuri instantly felt a bit sad it was like she missed her already , Her thoughts were quickly snapped away as there was a girl a bit younger than her tapped her shoulder

" Hi , I'm Baek Jiheon ... Sorry to disturb but I don't know where is Math Class ! " Gyuri smiled and thought that she looked like a daughter but she erased that thought and led her going to the class as they were the same as well

Meanwhile ... When Jisun walked away she instantly felt the loneliness wash over her and when she walked into her next class , Jisun sat beside a girl who was busy studying , they were both quiet as they started listening in class till Jisun received a note from the girl beside her

' um... My eraser fell could u get it ? It's beside you're chair , I'm Lee Saerom by the way '

Jisun quickly picked it up as Saerom said a quick thank you , as she was finished answering everything ,it felt like she wanted to see Gyuri again because she missed her although it's their first day . Jisun stepped out of class and felt the fresh air hit her face

Time Skip to Lunch

Gyuri 's throat felt very dry as she walked outside of the school , it was lunch anyways , She thought about what could she drink , she needed something refreshing , so she brought some FromiSweat to drink as water and a Coke Zero , Meanwhile Jisun went outside the school as she was very thirsty as well , She thought about the indirect kiss that she had with Gyuri this morning and she laughed slightly

She saw Gyuri standing on the Vending Machine and she immediately hugged her back , Jisun bought a Sprite and they walked back to lunch to meet their friends who invited them

Once they arrived , Jisun and Gyuri started talking to bickering like parents , Saerom and Jiheon were only listening as they were poking at them

" You guys sound like my mom and dad !!! "

Those words made Jisun and Gyuri instantly stop bickering and gasped at what Jiheon said , they looked away from each other and immediately blushed , Saerom smirked and eyed Jiheon as she got the signal

" It's GyulSun now !!! I swear you guys looked like a married couple ! " Saerom said while eating her Bomb Noodles , Jiheon smiled at them and said

" We look like a happy family ! "

Omg was that good ?!?! Omg I'm so embarrassed .... Jisoo's Christ help me ... Well uhm I will publish soon so pls keep reading !

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