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A/N : OMG !!! This books is ending- anyways thank u for the support and I will continue to make more

" Can I tell you something , Jisun?"

"Huh ?"

Jisun looked at Gyuri confused and immediately took her lockette and showed it to Jisun . Her face looked as if she had been struck by lightning with shock , as Jisun looked at Gyuri...

" I've always wanted to ask you if we could try to open it-"

" me too ! I was so scared that... That maybe you weren't the one-"

" So... Shall we ?"

Gyuri and Jisun gulped together as the necklace with the key on Jisun's neck was slowly approaching the lockette . The key went in perfectly as it made a small ticking sound , and Twist !!!

Jisun and Gyuri's eyes went wide as the lockette opened and inside

Was a picture of both of them together , holding hands and at the back of the picture was

" Maybe we'll meet again by that same , Vending Machine , I hope that you won't forget me , I want to see you again 10 years from now...

          I'll remember you ,  Noh Jisun"

Gyuri and Jisun both broke down in tears , and kissed each other finally , no more hiding feelings that they weren't so sure about one another , it was that kiss that made them remember everything once again , one very passionate kiss and they even forgot that Jiheon was sleeping there soundly .

Jisun and Gyuri kissed each other like their life depended on it as they were on tears , not minding anything anymore because they were sure , they were so sure that there were nothing else to stop them now .

They both pulled away reaching for the air around them as Jisun was a blushing and panting mess while Gyuri looked all Hot and Bothered , they both giggled like children and exchanged a few kisses with " I love you " and more .

But little did they know , Jiheon woke up and said...

" Jisun and Gyuri Unnie !!! You guys sleep already !"

So um yeah , this book is almost over but like thank you anyways !!!

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So um yeah , this book is almost over but like thank you anyways !!!

Vending Machines | GyulSun | Fromis_9Where stories live. Discover now