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A/N: so umm do anyone ship Jiwon and Seoyeon ? Or like Chaeyoung and Nakyung because I might write a sequel ... Lmao idek tho...

After walking by herself to the dorm rooms , Jisun went asleep early- no a bit too early , it was only 7:00 pm , and what could she do ? When Gyuri's just on the other side breathing heavily , Jisun wasn't annoyed or anything of some sort but blushing deeply could have gotten her a heart attack , because of how close they were .

Gyuri , on the other hand wanted to say sorry for everything and decided to face Jisun . But as the two girls faced each other , Their faces were 10 cm apart , Jisun's breathing hitched as she was so close to Gyuri's face , Gyuri had her eyes wide open , but after a while Gyuri inched closer and thought

' It's now or never '

Jisun felt a pair of lips towards her as everything was stopped . After that Gyuri managed to stutter out at the same time Jisun was going to say something

" I-I Love you too..."

And that night Jisun and Gyuri cuddled up with each other knowing that they were true to themselves , However ... Who could be Gyuri's key girl ?

Jisun and Gyuri woke up at the morning exchanging , cute kisses and cuddles before they could start the day , Jisun and Gyuri went down to get some Grape Juice at the vending machine where they first met . The two girls rushed in excitement as they popped the can lid open . They went up and got to start classes

" Gyuri ? "

" Yeah ?"

" What are you doing ?"

" I'm just doing those lovey dovey stuff "

" You don't have to force yourself "

" B-But didn't you say you liked skinship?"

Gyuri and Jisun laughed it all out while going to their favorite subject , Chemistry .

Dang sorry for not updating , kinda busy wid um stuff lmfao

Dang sorry for not updating , kinda busy wid um stuff lmfao

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Just a cute pic

Vending Machines | GyulSun | Fromis_9Where stories live. Discover now