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A/N : Do you like the story so far ? I hope so...

Last night , Jisun saw the pictures of a girl she can't distinguish, she wasn't so sure that if it was Gyuri or another girl since it seems the picture was ruined by time.

Jisun read the note and gulped

' Dear Jisun ,

If you see this note I hope you'll remember me ! But if that doesn't happen then... Maybe the lockette would give you an idea at least , !!! I'll probably marry you when we're older ! Promise me that you'll remember me !

" N-No ! W-Where's the next note ... Love... Who ? "

Jisun stuttered out as she was a blushing mess over the little note on her diary , she bit her lip and began to close the diary , she can't wait to find out who is it . As she inched closer to Gyuri's face with a tinted red visible on her cheeks , Jisun began to look at her and sighed deeply .

' It's sad... That she doesn't like me ... She's probably just waiting for her key girl to appear...'

Jisun drifted off in her sleep as everything was quiet in the night ... Little did she know ... Gyuri was awake at that time.

Gyuri and Jisun woke up in the morning as they were already swelling deeply , Jisun fixed up the bed as Gyuri and her smiled at each other , Gyuri went and attacked Jisun with tickles that made her laugh ultimately . Jisun then tried to tickle Gyuri as it was no use , Gyuri and Jisun stopped as their stomachs began rumbling in hunger .

" Do you want food ? "

" Yeah babe I do ! "

" Wait what ? "

" Nope I said nothing ! "

Gyuri looked away as Jisun began cooking some simple eggs in the morning . Jisun grabbed the frying pan and started the fire from the stove , meanwhile at the back . Gyuri was staring at her in awe as Jisun was cooking so gently and elegantly ... More like Gyuri's mother , Jisun finished up and they began eating with rice , Jisun also brewed some red bean tea and started to drink of it to prevent more swelling.

The day had just started when they both went out of the dorm while going to the vending machine to get some Café Latté since neither of them really slept well about last night .

Just as they were walking towards the vending machine , they both saw their friend , Nakyung

" Fromis_9 members ! We're recruiting for the auditions next month !!! "

" Nakyung ! "

Jisun pulled away from Gyuri as they both ran to her , they looked at the paper which was about the last 2 members to join their group , Fromis_9 .

Classes were starting and they started to get inside their rooms .

Jisun and Gyuri were made partners for Chemistry and they immediately began to be serious about it ... Well ... One of them , Gyuri was staring at Jisun's face as she was clueless about the formula in front of her . She pulled her hair back by putting it on her ear as she bit her lip and stared at everything .

Gyuri began to bicker with Jisun as they were actually finished with everything and Gyuri just solved it .

" Hey Jisun ..."

" Hm? Yeah ? "

" Could you kiss me ? "

" W-Why ? "

" it's for science "

" w-wha-"

" it's to see if we have chemistry ~"

" I-"

Gyuri went near Jisun's face and smirked as she walked away in her next class , Jisun was left star struck and began walking to her class almost hitting everything and everyone, She sighed as she bumped into somebody with red hair and decided to look up ...

'N-No way... That can't be-'

Lmao guys so my smiles and squish story is actually being translated to Vietnamese and I'm shook af .... So uhm yeah ! Vote again and comment !

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