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Classes started as soon as everyone got inside , the teacher suddenly announced something that made everyone shook.

" You've seen the poster outside right ? It means only nine of you could probably be the representative for this school... You decide to disband when you've already debuted ? Those things... Some would probably know Lee Saerom and Song Hayoung ? Those kids debuted last time with the their own girl group Flower Muse. They represented the school well up until we a group broke our record and we got eliminated "

Gyuri and Jisun went a bit sad about what happened to the group , but they started class all of a sudden with no plan of stopping it . Though at the back of Jang Gyuri's mind there was something that tingled her senses ... She touched her necklace which was a lockette but there was something telling her that Jisun was hiding something.

' What are you hiding Noh Jisun ?'

Meanwhile Jisun glanced at Gyuri who was immediately staring back at her . Jisun gulped and immediately drifted her eyes away .

' You can't tell her... Jisun... I'm not hiding anything Gyuri ... But I can't tell you how it feels... '

Time started flowing fast as it was the end of the day Gyuri and Jisun went back to their dorms ... As they stepped into their dorms , they suddenly received a knock on the door , Gyuri opened the door only to see the new friends she met the other day .

" It's Jiheon along with Nakyung , Chaeyoung and Saerom Unnie "

Gyuri opened the door to be surprised with many kids inside their dorm , Saerom politely had another friend which scared Gyuri . Meanwhile Jisun had three other kids near her and started asking her questions .

Once everyone had settled down , Jisun grabbed Gyuri by the hand and they sat beside each other with Jisun's head on Gyuri's shoulder .

Jiheon sat in the middle of Saerom and Hayoung while Nakyung and Chaeyoung were busy glaring at each other . Jisun started to pick up the conversation with everyone , as if she already knew everyone's intention of going there . The room stayed quiet up until a certain girl Lee Saerom spoke up .

" Hayoung and I want to get more recruits for the final group to compete on... I'm not going to beat around the bush but ... I want you guys to join us... The name of our group would probably be ..."

" Fromis_9 '!!! What ? It's a nice name Jiheon !!"

Saerom stood up and immediately vowed to everyone to join , Hayoung joined and bowed as well

" If Jisun's in , I'm in "

Gyuri stated and everyone started agreeing about the group , everyone had agreed to compete for them to debut in the school and have a good song to start with , but now they only had 7 members

" We at least need a main vocalist and main rapper , Saerom "

" We don't have a center yet "

" How are we going to practice ?'

Questions began to pile up but Jisun took the lead and told everyone that those positions didn't matter yet because they were all disoriented if they didn't have the leader . Soon Saerom was elected and all of them agreed that they would discuss this all tomorrow.

" Gyuri ?"

" Yeah ? "

Jisun asked suddenly while on the bed staring above the room while holding Gyuri's hand , she wanted to ask too many questions but she knew she had to ask a few to Gyuri since she was too preoccupied about the debut thing .

" I've always wanted to ask Gyuri... I seem to can't put a ring on it ... But you're too familiar , that lockette seems way too familiar . It feels like I've known you since I was a kid , I'm not too sure about what's in my memory but is that lockette..."

" Jisun~ I wanted to tell you too... It feels like you've been hiding something from me.., I know I probably sound selfish since we only met like 3 days ago but I feel like I know you ... "

" Do you want to try ? "

" I-I'll think about it Jisun "

They both slept comfortably while everything seemed to be at place .

But Jisun woke up that night , it was around 9:00 pm and she opened her bag to find her diary , Jisun took off her necklace and hoped that it would open . It made the ticking sound and once it opened a 2 pieces of paper went out first on her diary .

It was the picture she could never forget , her memories went back in time as it flashed right through her eyes .

' It's Jang Gyuri ... She couldn't be the one... Oh no... I'm in love aren't I ?'

Jisun put back the photo of her and Gyuri smiling to the camera together while holding hands , Jisun now knew why the hands felt way too familiar and way too comfortable and felt like she has been holding them before .

But the she saw a note...

It was the note that Jisun didn't expect to see...

Lol help me I'm addicted to GyulSun moments okay .... Sorry
Vote and Comment btw !!! I got 19 followers !!! Thank you everyone I'm very happy !!!

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