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A/N : depression sucks but anyways , life goes on lol

As they had finished eating , Jisun and Gyuri went back to usual as the both of them booked hotel rooms for everyone . It was around 6:45 pm at night and everyone was tired as they've already reached their destination . As everyone say on the lobby and decided to pick their roommates for the rest of the week

Seoyeon felt uncomfortable as she sat near Nakyung , Chaeyoung looked at the two and instead sat beside Jiwon . Jiheon decided to stay in Gyuri and Jisun's room . Hayoung and Saerom already chose each other as roommates leaving everyone behind .

Everyone decided calmly and went upstairs.

" Zssennnnnn!!! " Jiheon went to hugging Jisun tightly .

"What ?" Jisun asked confused

" you guys look great as a couple !"

" how in the world did she know that ?!" Gyuri came as she overheard them talking .

" well I have my connections and ways lol !"

Gyuri hugged Jisun and patted her head , Jiheon immediately took a million cute pics ( totally me lol ). Jisun and Jiheon went in the room and lay flat on the beds as the starfish . Gyuri flopped with them and went to a deep slumber .

10:37 pm

Jisun woke up as she had a small nightmare . It was unusual for her to get nightmares but then Gyuri woke up at the noise of Jisun crying at the side of her bed .

" why are you crying !?!??"

" I had a nightmare where you would eventually break up with me-"

She was cut off as Gyuri kissed her deeply and proved her wrong .

It was the best moment of Jisun's day as she realized something ,

I love her but then again there's always that feeling in my chest that I can't get off-

" Can I tell you something , Jisun ?"

" Huh ?"

Lol anyways , I'm gonna make this up to C

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Lol anyways , I'm gonna make this up to C.15 probably but anyways , what ship/story I should make next ?

Jiyeon ( Jiwon X Seoyeon ) : Pocky Game
Chaekyung ( Chaeyoung X Nakyung ) : Yes , Please
Harom ( Hayoung X Saerom ) : Book Buddies

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