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Classes ended soon as Jisun and Gyuri met each other in the hallway , with the wind swaying over them up until the both of them suddenly smirked and said

" Clićhe ?" Jisun and Gyuri smiled at each other as the older grabbed her hands and walked outside , they both bought the same thing which was unusual ... It was the Sweet Grape Drink , they bumped their drinks together as they went up to their dorm , Jisun started unpacking her stuff as she realized they didn't have any dinner yet .

" Gyuri~ah ! What should we eat ? "

" Some pizza would be nice ! "

Gyuri said while glancing over to Jisun unpacking her stuff until she noticed a particular notebook or somewhat diary beside Jisun , But Gyuri somehow didn't mind it , She ordered some pizza and while they waited they started to finish up their stuff .

Jisun somehow looked over to Gyuri and noticed her necklace , it didn't bother her somehow but it seems like it was the same as hers , Jisun and Gyuri started talking to each other while drinking the last of their sweet Grape drink , as they were just about to grab their drinks . Gyuri felt that hers tasted a bit sweeter than she drank lest time when she looked to her drink then over to Jisun

" J-Jisunnie~! T-That's my drink ! "

"W-What , that's impossible we got the same-"

Jisun and Gyuri was interrupted with their pizza delivery on campus , Gyuri stood up while paying for it then Jisun started to turn on the tv . They were watching kdrama's to spend some time since it was still early , Gyuri was about to grab the Pizza Box that she placed beside Jisun , her arm hovering around her as they both looked at each other with widen eyes .

"Uhhhh umm..."

Gyuri found it awkward yet cute at the same time , She grabbed the pizza box and they continued , meanwhile Jisun placed her hand over her mouth to touch it again lightly as she realized something .

' that's my second time getting an indirect kiss from a girl...oh my god what am I feeling this time..., Jang Gyuri couldn't be-'

"Jisun !!! I said do you want another slice ? "

"Y-Yeah... Sure...I just zoned out for a sec " Gyuri and Jisunlooked at each other while the tv was playing , Gyuri went nearer to Jisun's face and stared at her .

" You have piercing's ?"

" Y-Yeah I kind of like them,.,"

Gyuri lightly touched Jisun's ears , while the younger bit her lip , Gyuri found it very cute yet an amazing sight to see , she couldn't help but pinch the sides of Jisun's cheeks because they were so soft and fluffy . The two of them went back to watching the k drama playing on the tv screen as Jisun fell asleep on the shoulder of Gyuri .

" You're so cute..."

Gyuri said while falling asleep as well on the bed , The two snuggled up with each other as the soft snores coming from them were soothing . Gyuri then dreamed again about the girl she met years ago , she had the same vibes and hair as Jisun which made Gyuri feel as if she was very close to the girl beside her now.

" Let's meet again !"

The girl from her dream was buying from a vending machine , she was there standing , Gyuri went near and the girl gave her the neclace with a lock on it , it was a promise that if they meet again , they would open the lockette together if ever they reunite again in the future .

" Promise me...that you would remember me-"

" I will "

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Vending Machines | GyulSun | Fromis_9Where stories live. Discover now