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A/N : I might end this with 10 or 15 chapters because I'm planning to have another story , is that okay ? It's Harom

Gyuri smiled at the view of Jisun while she was sleeping on the couch , today the girls were planning to have a party in their dorm , jut to celebrate Hayoung's birthday . Gyuri bought a cake while Jisun was busy preparing for the food . They wondered about their gift , so they bought her a pillow and some socks .

Jisun shifted slowly as she woke up seeing Gyuri's face near her , she blushed deeply  as Gyuri snatched a kiss from her cheeks , the girls ran around while catching each other and tickling as well.

" Jisunnie~ Kyaaa!!!!"

" Hahahahahha .... I got you now !"

" Not for long ."

Gyuri and Jisun stumbled upon the bed and Gyuri was on top of Jisun , Both girls were smiling happily , giggling softly as they looked at each other closely , Gyuri inched closer to Jisun's face and kissed her softly , the two of them flopped in the bed as the laughed once more .

The girls were startled by the knocking of the door from the girls who were very excited . Jiheon hugged Gyuri and Jisun tightly as the other kids did it as well . Nakyung and Chaeyoung started bickering like theres no tomorrow while Seoyeon and Jiwon who were invited by Jisun had talked happily . This was going to be a long night .

As the birthday celebrant came in with Saerom , they all chanted the song happily while clapping their hands

" Happy Birthday to You , Happy Birthday to You , Happy Birthday , Happy Birthday , Happy Birthday to You ! Happy Birthday Hayoung~ssi"

The girls screamed loudly as , Hayoung blew the candle , The girls started eating happily while the music pumped up

" Lemme choose a song !" Seoyeon grabbed the phone from Jiwon's hands and chose the song

'Love Bomb ~ Fromis_9'

Jiwon and Seoyeon smiled and smirked at the same time when Jisun immediately blushed when the song played , Everyone started dancing and singing to the song at the top of their lungs , Jisun smiled at everyone while picking up a cup of juice beside her , She decided to go down for some fresh air.

" Wow..."

She breathed when she went out of the dorms and looked out to the sky , Jisun continued walking to the vending machine where Gyuri and her met before.

Jisun got 2 iced matcha' s and went upstairs . Gyuri on the other hand saw Jisun sitting down by the "veranda" in their dorm .

" G-Gyuri ???"

" Umm... Yeah can I join you ?"

" yeah sure ."

Jisun handed the drink to Gyuri as the popping sound of the can can only be heard among the place . Jisun and Gyuri smiled at each other and looked into each other's eyes

" I'm not that touchy or anything that you could probably imagine , but I really love you Jisunnie~"

" Me , too I love you too Gyuri !!!"

Then suddenly Jisun felt a pair of lips towards her , the kiss was stopped when-

" O-Oh... Did you guys take a pic of that ? " Chaeyoung said stuttering a bit.

" Totally " Jiwon and Seoyeon answered at the same time.

" You little brats-" Gyuri exhaled deeply

" Gyuri chill I got this" Jisun said calmly.

The story ain't done yet lmao

Vending Machines | GyulSun | Fromis_9Where stories live. Discover now