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'N-No way , That can't be-'

Jisun looked up to the girl as she was struck again , the girl's red hair was flowing and her hand was stretched yet to help her , but what caught Jisun's eyes the most was her necklace- no her lockette , was flowing out in the air shaped like a clock , Jisun stood up and dusted her skirt as she was about to chase the girl , she realized that her class was next and began entering it .

She was staring up her textbook laid on the desk , she decided to forget about it and immediately answered .

Gyuri was in her class as she decided to go out on the corridors for a while she looked in front of her as she saw a girl near her walking with something shining within her chest , both girl stared at each other as they walked past each other , in time the girl looked back at Gyuri and said.

" Another lockette ? That's weird maybe she's the girl Jiwon's finding ... Or maybe not " The red haired girl mumbled as she plugged her earphones in and entered her classroom .

" Seoyeon , do you see this ? "

" I can't see it because love is blind "

" oof but you know ! The auditions dumb dumb !!!"

" I know ... "

Jiwon jumped up and down as she looked at Seoyeon

" We're auditioning am I right. ?"

" uh...sure..."

Time skip to Lunch

Jisun went out of her class stretching as she yawned sleepily walking outside the school just to get a refreshing energy drink , Jisun couldn't help but becoming sad when Gyuri wasn't there with her , but she was too short to find her around the crowd of people , but suddenly she felt soft hands hugging her from the back as she faced back to her face and their faces were at least 10 cm apart . Jisun breathed lightly as she felt Gyuri's breath on her lips.

Both girls had a blush crept upon their faces as they looked at each other , Gyuri soon pulled away although she water to cuddle with Jisun or just hug her at least , Gyuri already missed Jisun even though they flirted last Chemistry class , As they were walking to their usual spot on the vending machine , they saw Chaeyoung with a sad face but immediately hid when , Nakyung was there

" Yah !!! Who were you with yesterday?"

" Gyuri and Jisun ?"

" Why aren't you with me today ? "

" I'm leaving okay ?"

"No !"

Nakyung grabbed Chaeyoung's hands as they were walking out continuously to the dorms since classes were a bit hectic . Gyuri and Jisun smiled as they were walking near the vending machine , wind slightly blew over as the sound of the drinks coming out of the vending machines were only to be heard .

" Do you know someone else with a lockette...?"

"W-Wait What...?"

"Nevermind , maybe I was just hallucinating..."

Jisun and Gyuri both knew too well that they were lying to each other as they both looked away sitting down beside the vending machine. On the bench Jisun sighed as she packed her stuff...

Gyuri looked away as they both went their separate ways ...

'What have I done ? , Is it because I like her too much ?'

' I shouldn't have left ... God... I hope that she's the girl...'

That took so long and um I'm sorry for not updating n stuff but thank u for reading this book....
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Vending Machines | GyulSun | Fromis_9Where stories live. Discover now