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- A L E X -

"So," she said, as we rounded the corridor down an empty corridor. Most students were in class. "Tell me the truth, Alex, where are those bruises from?"

I was taken aback quite suddenly, almost stopping in my tracks with surprise. "Aren't we meant to be doing this work?" I suggested awkwardly, changing the topic not so discreetly.

Annabel scoffed, "Yeah, sure, like you care about geography. I can do mine and yours tonight; promise. So let's talk. What happened?" She stared at me patiently, but it didn't feel like she was asking because she was curious, it looked as if she actually cared. There was something in the way her eyebrows knitted together when I stretched and the pain in my neck made me wince, or how she had almost stepped to my defence earlier when a girl had run past me from nowhere and made me flinch.

"W-well, I, it's... ah." I stopped walking slowly, and pushed my hands into my pockets, not wanting to look Annabel in the eyes. For some reason, none of my words would come out, and I was stuck blubbering like a goldfish. What was wrong with me? Where was my confidence? As if reading my mind, Annabel confessed quietly, "I know you're not as confident or happy as you claim to be."

I furrowed my brow. "And what makes you think that?"

She considered her answer for a moment, playing with her own fingers and eyeing the floor. "Your eyes, for one, I guess." It came out gently at first, but when I didn't object she continued. "They're sad. Also, your body language; the way I catch you looking when you think no one sees you." She said after a short pause, staring at me delicately with a small smile, and all I could think was God, she was so beautiful.

I noticed suddenly that a tear was rolling down my cheek, and hurriedly brought my wrist to my face to wipe it away.

"Crap." I muttered, and looked up to see Annabel had offered me a small pink tissue. I was thankful she didn't say anything, and only stared at me in a soft way, like she was seeing me, and not just what I pretended to be for everyone.

"My mom's boyfriend strangled me." It came out almost like a choke, without me thinking it through, and I instantly regretted it from the way her eyes widened. Why would she care? She barely knew me? Subconsciously, it felt like my wrists were itching underneath my long sleeved shirt.

Suddenly, a pair of skinny, small arms were wrapped around me slowly, and I could feel Annabel's breath against my neck.


"Yeah." she said, almost sleepily, speaking into my t-shirt.

"I've noticed you before, you know. For 2 years, I think I've been watching you. Wait, shit. God, that sounded better in my head. That's not what I mean." I muttered, hoping she was understanding. "It's just... you're so intriguing, and complicated looking, and I can't understand how people can stay away from you."

She sniffed, "That's what everyone says."

I don't want to be 'everyone', I thought sourly.

"I hope this isn't weird." Annabel murmured. and strangely, it wasn't. It felt natural and comforting. The smell of her hair relaxed me, and how fragile she seemed in my arms.

Carefully, she unhooked herself from me, gently took my hand, and led me back into the now empty georgraphy classroom. Her hand was soft and warm, and she rubbed the lad of her thumb against my skin in small circles. The only times I'd ever been in an empty classroom previously was with various girls, during heated make out sessions. This wasn't going to be one of those times.

"Wait there." Annabel rummaged around in her rucksack, before pulling out a small hand sized case of peachy coloured powder. "Tilt your head back," she commanded and I did so, to which she began applying the powder to my neck delicately. I stared at her as she concentrated on my bruise and dabbed away with a soft brush at them.

"I always thought bruises were beautiful," she said, almost to herself, but loud enough so I heard her words. "The colours, I mean. Greens and purple and yellows, like a temporary abstract on your body."

I couldn't think of anything nearly as meaningful or interesting to say to that, so I carried on staring at her, and the 6 little freckles under her left eye I counted, and the small white scar on her cheekbone, maybe from a childhood incident. Everyone had imperfections, but i couldn't help but admire hers, because they just added to what made Annabel herself.

"All done." She declared suddenly, smiling up at me.

"Thank you," I stared at my neck in the little mirror she had produced. The bruise was basically completely gone. Turning back to her, I paused, "Don't tell anyone. Please." Annabel simply nodded, and before I could think properly I bent down and placed a kiss on her cheek - a spur of the moment thing. Something changed in her face then, and she flushed red, looking like she couldn't decide whether to smile or not. Then she got up off the table top, and bee lined for the door, and I was left alone again.


this was kind of a filler tho

im trying to make all my chapters 600+ words like it's meant to be short chapters bc lots of short chapters (hopefully) but i dont want them TOO short ygm

I hope this isn't too boring yet uh vote comment u know the drill thank u .

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