" Is it alright if i call you princess? "

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Song: 'I will Wait'
by Mumford & Sons


| third person |


Steady breathes, but hearts racing.

They look calm from the outside, but the butterflies in their stomachs are going wild.

They're Sensing all of those feelings , just by locking their eyes together.

Zendaya's cheeks are full of red shade, her hair wet and cold from the rain that is pouring outside. her clothes full of rain drops on them but she managed keeping them quite dry by running to Tom's small apartment.

But despite that, Zendaya was so enthralled by the sight of her one week boyfriend that she had hardly noticed the cold.

Tom's lips curved into a foolish smile, he blinked a few times before breaking the strangely comfortable ambiance the two shared.

"You, me and Netflix..Waddya day?" Tom suggested excitedly, it was stupidly cute how easy you can get him happy.

"How can I turn this offer down?" Zendaya asked rhetorically, snatching the blanket from the side of the couch.

The both leapt onto his couch, she stretched and sprawled her limbs whilst Tom grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix. He looked aside to meet Zendaya's eyes. Debating if to ask her what she wants to watch or put some random movie he's in the middle of as he knew how thoughtful of others she is.

"Which movie?" Tom asked throwing her the remote.

Zendaya ran a hand trough her wet hair, pushing it off her forehead.

She flicked through his suggestion page until her eyes laid on Titanic.

"How about the famous love tragedy starring Leonardo DiCaprio. So we'll not only enjoy a fantastic movie, but also fantastic looks." Zendaya said smirking.

Tom shoot his head towards her, scoffing at her description of the movie.

"What you girls find in Leonardo DiCaprio anyway?" Tom questioned furrowing his eyebrows.

Zendaya smiled before getting in a fit of laughter at his crazy jealousy over a 44 years old man who changed a lot from how he used to look in his teenage days.

"You're cute" She said between laughs, but hell she didn't know what these two words meant for the guy beside her.

"You're even more cute pri-" he stopped himself at the middle of the sentence, unsure he could use those words.

"Is it alright if I call you princess?" He asked innocently, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

She smiled nodding her head rapidly, chills going through her entire body.

"Yeah, yeah!" she replied blushing , her tone coming out a little too excited for her liking.

"Okay" He whispered, after all wanting her to enjoy the movie that has started.

"What, You're not gonna use it now?" She asked sadly, still smiling at his cuteness.

"No I wanna use it for the first time when it's special"

They laughed quietly in unison, just enjoying each other's company along the movie.

Zendaya felt like she could be with him all day without even talking or doing anything. and still be happy , entertained, feel comfortable.

"It's starting to get a little late, I should head home now" Zendaya said as the movie reached to the titles and 'My heart will go on' was blasting from the tv.

"Wait! Don't go. Can you stay the night?" He almost begged, he enjoyed her company too much to lose it.

"I guess I can" she replied softly, it was two in the morning and she didn't feel like driving home at the late hour.

"Awesome! I mean great.. take the bed, I'll take the couch" he offered pointing at the left door on the right.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna take your bed" she asked getting up, and stopped the tv.

" yeah " Tom answered hopping to his feet as well.

"What kind of boyfriend will I be if I'd let my girlfriend sleep on the couch?"

Zendaya smiled heading towards his room, it was small and barely decorated. A few photos of his family hang on the wall and a small bookshelf stood in the corner. which didn't contain books, it contained a quite impressive amount of Spider-Man toys.

She got under the covers, sighing happily at the events from earlier.

Footsteps were echoing through the apartment, her head whipped aside to see Tom leaning against the doorframe.

"I just wanted to say good night" Tom whispered softly, smiling at his tired girlfriend.

"Good night to you too" she replied, smiling from ear to ear.

"Bye princess, sweet dreams" He said and disappeared into the hallway.


Hey fellows!
This chapter is kinda sucky, sorry about it ):
Do you guys want happy chapters like literally every other chapter I wrote in this book, or maybe sad ones too? (Hehe)
Lots of love,

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