" I'm not that of a poet, but I really like you too "

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Hey guys! In the honor of the release of  Spider-Man far from home this chapter will be about Peter and Michelle. The plot has nothing to do with the movie, it's all imaginary and doesn't have any spoilers. Enjoy <3


song : 'Goodbye yellow
brick road' by Elton John


| third person |


"There are people who make the sky look prettier"
Peter once said

"You tell Me that when I'll find that person, it will suddenly change? How is that possible?"
Michelle then asked.

He had no clue why so, but the sentence she set free made his heart shatter into pieces.

He thought she already found that person.

"You don't think that people can make things look prettier?" Peter questioned curiously. He always used to believe in the immeasurable power of love, that it can endure any circumstance and reach across distance.

Peter Parker and Michelle Jones were currently staying at the cafeteria, mid way into lunch time.

"Well..People can make things look prettier by adding paint, decorations, maybe a little bit glitter" Michelle answered teasingly, she was entertained by getting on Peter's nerves. He let out a frustrated sigh and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You only say that because you never fell in love"

Michelle pursed her lips and tilted her head aside before opening her mouth a little, attempting to find a superior excuse.

"I most certainly did" the lies poured out of her mouth like lava and burned his entire body.

Peter frowned is confusion, they're friends since last year and he doesn't remember one conversation with her that included a boy in it.

Well except for Liam Hemsworth, of course.

"What's his name?" Peter trailed off, unsure whether he wanted to hear the answer or not.

"His name is Luke" Michelle stuttered, earning Peter's quiet titter.

"I never heard of a Luke in our school, where does he live?" He asked raising his voice in confusion. Without he even noticed, his eyebrows were raised as well.

"In a galaxy far, far away" Michelle said in a questioning tone, hoping he would at least get the lame attempt of making a joke.

He laughed softly while rolling the brown eyes of his, and leaned his back against the desk so he could throw his head back.

He had accidentally slept on his back the previous night, and it was a pure misery for him.

"Hey" suddenly a voice rang through their ears, Michelle smiled awkwardly at the sight of her friend smiling while heading towards the table she and peter shared, known by the name Brad.

"Hey Brad, what are you doing here?" Michelle asked a little embarrassed. She knows how much Brad likes to gossips about people, and especially people like Peter.

"Someone told me about this weirdo, who plays with lego " Brad said with an evil smile, obviously not noticing the guy behind her.

"Brad-" Michelle was interrupted in the middle of the sentence by Brad's non stopping mumbles.

"You didn't let me finish, he also disappears all the time, which is weird because he has no friends!" Brad finished, his tone mocking.

"Brad, meet Peter, who you were talking about" Michelle said angrily, causing Brad to turn around and gulp with wide eyes.

He let an innocent smile replace the evil one, whilst biting his lip in pure shame.

"Hey Peter, so nice to meet you!" Brad greeted kindly, And Peter didn't even bother to answer.

"Well I think that's my cue to leave" Brad said awkwardly before disappearing into the crowd.

Michelle instantly looked at Peter, facing a look she never saw crossing his face. Her guess was that he was feeling a mixture of boredom and anger.

Peter inhaled before lifting his head up to face Michelle, who looked embarrassed by her friend's actions.

"Did he even get a cue to get in?" Peter huffed, slightly rolling his eyes with a smile.

"I suppose. as you saw, the timing of the universe finds Brad interesting." Michelle replied, shaking her head.

Peter laughed and crossed his arms, amused by how hard she tries to brighten up the mood.

He then pulled out his phone and started typing quickly, with his tongue hanging outside of his mouth which is a habit he does when he's focused.

Michelle leaned a little over the table to look at what he's typing when Peter quickly shut off his phone and slid it into his pocket in stress.

"What was that? Why did you type so fast?" Michelle asked raising her eyebrow.

Peter gulped before signing in defeat.

"I'm writing a story" he said and flashed a smile.

And suddenly, a perfect idea of confessing his feeling to her popped into his mind.

"What's the story about?" Michelle asked, taking a bite from an apple.

He inhaled before slightly opening his mouth and started talking.

"It's about a boy, who is that lame that he plays with lego. He disappears all the time and still manages to get straight A's" he started making Michelle laugh.

"And the boy one day, met a girl. Who's very sarcastic, and has a unique black humor. She's also really pretty, and very smart. She speaks for what she believes in, and makes the boy smile.
Every time he sees her, his heart melts. He is head over heals for that girl. And can't wait to see her beautiful brown curls and her green brown eyes every time they're out of his sight."

Michelle's eyes sparkled, and her jaw dropped to the ground.

She felt tears of happiness forming in her eyes before a big smile appeared on her lips.

"I'm not that of a poet, but I really like you too"


Hey fellows!
I hope you like this chapter!
FFH is SO GOOD, I can't wait 2 years until the next movie comes out 😫
Lots of love

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