Chapter 7 - Learning Curve (I)

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Decker didn't feel anything as the thin force field pricked his finger and then funneled a drop of blood up into the nurse drone's receptor.

"That's it?" Decker asked.

"That's it," said the drone. "For now."

* * *

The gymnasium was surprisingly spacious given that it was located on a starship. The floor and ceiling were a matte grey and the walls were polished mirrors which gave it the impression of being even bigger.

Decker's instructor was already there waiting for him when he arrived.

"Hello, Decker," he said. "I told you we'd have a rematch if you came."

It was the voice from before. The man he fought in the woods. Aranarth.

He wore a cloak, which Decker knew by now marked him as a ranger. It was fastened with the black dragon insignia that seemed ubiquitous around here. He otherwise dressed in the same plain white training gi as Decker. He had a messy beard and worse hair that reached his shoulders.

Decker was glad to finally be able to put a face to all the hate.

"You must be Aranarth," said Decker.

"Ranger Aranarth to you," said Aranarth.

"And I guess you're the one who's going to teach me to fight?" asked Decker.

"I am going to teach you respect. Then I am going to teach you discipline. Then, if I haven't killed you already, I will teach you how to fight."

"When do we-" Decker wanted to say "start" but Aranarth had already punched him in the gut so hard it knocked the wind from him.

"I already told you in my letter," said Aranarth, "I am your enemy. Never let your guard down around your enemy."

"I thought you said you were going to start with respect," wheezed Decker, doubled over.

Aranarth swept Decker's legs and he fell on his back hard.

"I am," said Aranarth, "don't talk back."

* * *

The woman cut an impressive figure in her ranger's cloak a deployed suit less the helmet. Decker had never seen a fully kitted out ranger in person.

Her natural looking blue hair made Decker guess she was from Centauri Ring like him.

"Okay," she said with a friendly smile, instantly confirming his guess with her accent. "I'm Ranger Xing, you can call me Aurora if you like. I'll be your firearms instructor. First off I want to get a general sense of your skill level so what kind of gun are you most comfortable with?"

"I've never shot a gun before," admitted Decker.

"Never?" asked Xing, narrowing her eyes.

"Nope," said Decker.

"Not even in a virtuality?" asked Xing, incredulous.

"I'm not really into virtual reality. I like real reality," said Decker.

"Well there are loads of guns here too!" insisted Xing. She sighed.

She held out her hand and a rifle seemed to slip into it from nowhere. She pulled it right out of hyperpsace like it was nothing. Decker had heard about that kind of thing but it was still amazing to see in person.

Xing began explaining the weapon to Decker in the tone one would use with a child one didn't particularly care for.

"This is a Perjurer-class automatic railgun. It uses magnets so there is no recoil. This," she pointed to the barrel, "is the shooty end. Only point it at things you want to die. If you accidentally shoot your own head off try not to damage any of the equipment."

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