Chapter 36 - Kinship

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The rangers made it to the second safe house without any further sign of the Old Ones. This one was also deep underground, located under a particularly large rock which obscured the entrance. Someone wouldn't notice it from a distance, and it was cleverly disguised from most sensors as well.

It was necessary to get down on one's hands and knees and crawl inside the stairway. It was not designed for creatures that had to stand upright. Helios went in first, so she could disable the traps, and the others weren't far behind.

They found this safe house just as empty as the first one.

"How many of these are there?" asked Decker.

"Only about infinity," replied Ophelia. "It's ridiculous."

"It's prudent," Helios corrected her. "Neither of you two seem to realize that the longer it takes us to find these people the better. It means they're well hidden."

The group began to make their way back up the stairs. Suddenly Helios and Aranarth turned their heads at the same time.

"Did you catch that?" asked Aranarth.

"I did," said Helios. "See? I told you I'd find them."

They finished the ascent and squeezed out the exit.

Standing there waiting for them, naturally camouflaged in his native environment, was an 8-foot-tall member of the Kinship tribe. His long fingers were rolled into balls and his face tentacles partially retracted. This gave him a less distinctive silhouette.

"Ranger Helios. Squire Annesdaughter. I acknowledge your presence. What is the identity of the others?" he asked.

Luckily the rangers already had the local dialect of the Homese language loaded up in their implants. It sounded a bit like someone trying to eat wet noodles a fast as possible without closing their mouths.

"This is Ranger Aranarth and his squire, Decker," replied Helios, indicating each man in turn.

"I am not familiar with them," stated the Kinsman.

"Ranger Aranarth is someone I've worked with extensively in the past. He might be even more useful to you than I am. I'd like to make introductions."

The alien turned to look at Aranarth. It was hard to read the expression of something so inhuman.

"Is this Aranarth one of the rangers who has been helping the others?" he spat this last word out like it was poison. There was no cultural barrier here.

"No," said Helios, patiently, "this is the first time he's even been to Home. He has been out in space trying to track down the source of the gug-gug-gug weapons until now."

"And the other one?"

"The other one is his squire, Hot-Sands, come on."

"If they are uncontaminated the possibility exists they may be granted audience. I will go report what I have learned. Do not attempt to follow me."

The Kinsman slithered off into the desert, quickly disappearing thanks to his camouflage.

"I'm guessing you taught them their security protocols?" asked Aranarth.

"I made some suggestions," admitted Helios, "but if they weren't already paranoid they wouldn't have made it this far. Come on, let's head back down into the safe house. He won't be back any time soon."

They headed back down the stairs and into the cool underground space. Taking advantage of the down time as best they could the group unpacked some supplies, ate, slept, and tried to recharge.

Decker had been on starships for so long lately he was getting used to bad food, but military rations half covered in sand were proving to be his least favorite of even that. He didn't end up eating much but he did manage a decent night's sleep.

Hot-Sands returned the next day.

"The Alpha has agreed to see you. Follow me. Take care not to be left behind."

Hot-Sands led the group back out of the safe house and through the desert. Another half day of travel ended with the group at the entrance to yet another safe house. It was dug out under a natural cave formation.

"This is a new one," observed Helios. "I never would have found it. Good job."

Down the stairs they went, and this time at the bottom they found the safe house bustling with activity. There were close to fifty aliens down here and they all looked busy. One of the Kinsmen appeared to have been waiting for the group. He immediately slithered over.

"Bright-Moon-Hills, you paranoid series of fluid filled bladders," Helios greeted him, "how did you manage to stay alive that long without me?"

"Ranger Helios. I observe you retain all your many negative characteristics," replied Bright-Moon-Hills.

"You're getting there. That was very close," said Helios.

Helios made fists and clapped them to each shoulder, then the sides of her abdomen, in as close an approximation of the Kinshipper sign of respect as was possible with human physiology. Bright-Moon-Hills appreciated the attempt. He returned with the proper form of the gesture: using his upper arms to clap his upper shoulders, and his lower arms to clap his lower shoulders at the same time.

"This is an old friend of mine, Ranger Aranarth," said Helios, indicating him with her hand. "His squire's name is Decker. They're going to take over from Annesdaughter and I as your advisers."

"Why is this?" asked Bright-Moon-Hills.

"We're playing to our strengths," said Helios. "I'm better used out in the field as a scout, Ranger Aranarth has more experience with military engagements. This is what we would have done from the beginning if Ranger Aranarth had been available. You're better off having a dedicated adviser rather than someone trying to do everything at once. Plus two heads are better than one. You've heard what I have to say about most of this stuff already."

"I comprehend your point," said Bright-Moon-Hills.

"My squire and I are going to spend the night here, but after that we're heading out. There's something we need to have a look at."

"What is that?"

"We think we detected some enemies out there. Not the gug-gug-gugs, our enemies. The Old Ones. The benefactors of the gug-gug-gugs. That's not good. We need to know for sure."

"You have been a worthy ally so far, and have worked hard to earn our trust. I grant you it now."

"I'm glad."

She turned to Aranarth.

"He's all yours Dane. Play nice boys." Then to Ophelia she added, "let's go get some sleep.

Bright-Moon-Hills led Aranarth and Decker further back into the safe house, to a secluded area full of alien computer terminals. Decker reasoned it was something of an office.

"You have been told of our conflict?" Bright-Moon-Hills asked.

"Broadly," said Aranarth. "Why don't you tell me what you think I need to know? The perspective of your people has been notably absent from my briefings."

"Our position is simple. We are fighting for our home and we will use whatever effective means we can find to do so. Even working with aliens."

Aranarth smiled behind his helmet.

"Well you've come to the right aliens."

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