Chapter 5

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It's about two weeks later. Alexa leaves in two weeks to go to Australia. She is currently video chatting with Ashton. 

"Hey Ash."

"Hey Lex. I miss you so much"

"Aw I miss you too. How's everything?"

"For the most part things are great. We are working on some new music and a new sound. The tour stops in a week. It's been a blast."

"How's everyone else?"

"Michael's the same. But he's been practicing guitar for hours. That's him in the background. Calum is the same old Calum."

Just then Calum's head popped into the room.

"I heard my name! Oh hi Alexa!" Calum then took a chair, placed it next to Ash, and sat down. 

"Hello Calum. What have you been up to?"

"Well I've been working on a new song. And when you come back I have a surprise for you!"

Calum and her have been friends since the moment they were born. So she kinda introduce him to Luke. But Luke and Calum didn't meet until a few years into school. 

"I'm looking forward to it. Also as Ashton already knows, Shawn is coming to Australia aswell. He won't be staying with me of course, but would it be ok if he hangs around with us?"

"Of course. Anything to make you happy. He seems like a great guy" Calum answered smiling.

"Thank you guys so much. How's Luke?" she asked.

They looked at her confused

"What? I know that Luke and I left things on bad terms but I still care about him. "

"Well he's horrible. He's been a wreck. He hates himself for getting mad at you. He cries when he thinks about when he hurt you." Ashton replied

"Oh. May I see him?"

"He's in the recording booth. I'll bring the laptop to him. I hope he is done. He should be done. " Ashton said and then picked up the laptop. Calum took the laptop and then they walked to recording room where Luke was. Luckily Luke was done. He saw the laptop and saw Alexa on the screen. He almost started to cry.

"Hi Alexa."

"Hello Luke. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I'm sorry"

"It's ok. I'll be in Australia in two weeks. I can't wait for all of you guys to meet Shawn!" 

"he's coming?"

"Yes. But not as long. I'm staying until the end of July. He's leaving at the end of May."

Luke was very angry but he didn't show it.

"What are you up to anyway?" asked Ashton

"Oh. I'm just writting in my planer. Later I'm going to the studio. I'll be recording some more songs and then I  have vacation time! I can't wait to see you guys in person!"

"Same here.What time is it in America?"  asked Calum

"It's about two in the afternoon. I'll be at the studio by eight. "

"Well you should rest first, You have a long night ahead of you." Luke

"Are you sure?" She questioned 


"Well ok. Bye. I love you guys!"

She then hung up. 

"Why does Shawn have to go and steal the love of my life?" Luke whined

"Luke she was really hurt. Just be glad she forgave you. One day, things could be different. But if they aren't you have to be supportive. She's happy. All we can do is try to get a long with Shawn and be happy for her." Calum said

"Just remember that she was happy for you when you had girlfriends, you might aswell return the favor." Ashton reminded him. 

"I know I know. But it still hurts. It will always hurt. I'm in love with her. She was in love with me. I was stupid and let her go. I could see in her eyes that she is hurt. I'm that reason. She may be here physically, but in her heart. In my heart, she's gone forever."

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