Chapter 7

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Alexa and Luke were at her house. Luke was helping her unpack her stuff. As they were unpacking they got bored. As usual they decided to take a break while drinkng sodas and looking at all their old stuff. 

As she looked through the boxes, Alexa found a smaller box that looked like a jewlery box. She took it out and opened it. Inside was a picture of her and Luke and it started playing her favorite song, 18 by Anarbor.

Jewlery boxes usually play soft, gentle music. But Luke new that soft and gentle was far from Alexa. 

In all their years together, Alexa always played rough and was far from girly. She still isn't. But now, she has started to wear dresses a little more often. But she usually only wore them with a hooded jacket, black tights, and boots or the occasional heels. 

She smiled as she looked at the box. Luke then realized what she was looking at and he became worried.

Luke had the box made a long time ago. About two years ago, when his love for her was still new, at least in his eyes. He planned to give it to her when the time was right, when he was ready to tell her. The box took very long to make, it was custom maded after all. Also Luke had to work as hard as he could to get the money to pay for it. Once it was finished he wanted to give it to her, but then she left and they had a fight. That left him crushed, and he put the music box in her boxes at the bottom when she wasn't home. 

This was the first time she saw the music box. It must've been in the boxes since she moved to America,  she just never unpacked it. 

"Luke this is -"

"I'm sorry I just-"

She looked at him with the biggest smile on her face and cut him off.

"It's beautiful. I love it. Thank you so much!" She ran to him and hugged him very tight, As her arms went around his neck, his arms went around her waist and he spun her around. 

"You're welcome. " He put her down and they pulled apart just a litte, their faces inches apart. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever, until her older sister, Emma,  came down stairs and they pulled apart instanttly.

"Hello Luke. If you don't mind, may I steal my sister away from you?" she asked

"Oh. Of course. I'll just be unpacking some boxes." Luke answered

"Thanks." Emma then dragged Alexa up the stairs and into Emma's room. She then shut the door and made Alexa sit on the bed.

"Why'd you drag me up here?" Alexa asked

"Oh come on! I saw that!"

"Saw what?!" Alexa replied trying to avoid the topic

"Stop playing stupid. I saw you and Luke. "

"So? We were just hugging. Can't I hug my best friend..." Alexa said looking down , feeling guilty

"That is not just hugging! It's one thing to hug and pull apart and it doesn't mean anything. But it's another to hug and pull apart with your faces inches apart. I saw how you too looked at each other. That's the same look you two shared just months before you left. You still love him, don't you?"

"So what if I do?! It doesn't matter! He does not, will not, feel the same. And he never will. Besides I have Shawn.." Alexa then looked down again, feeling even more guilty and sad.

"Why are you with Shawn when you don't even if Luke feels the same? He was miserable the whole time you were gone, that music box he gave you, the hug and the look?! Those have to mean something! I know that you care about Shawn and you say you love him, but the love you feel is nothing compared to what you and Luke have. You know it, He knows it, we all know it. You two just need to admit it. "

"Look, Luke can have any girl in the world. He shouldn't waste his time on me. So what if there is feelings. There are and always will be feelings. I'll always love Luke unconditionally, but we live in two different worlds. He's doing stadium tours with One Direction, and I'm just a girl from a small town in Australia trying to make it big. He doesn't want to hurt me, I don't want to be hurt. He doesn't want to leave me behind and forget about me, and I will be left behind and forgotten. It's just how the world wants it."

"No that's not what the world wants. That's what you and him think. The world wants you together. Your fans and his fans want you two together. Everyone wants you two together and we all know you guys want to be together. So why don't you be together?"

"I told you. He can have anybody he wants, and why would he want some ordinary girl? We are best friends and I don't want to ruin that"

"It won't ruin anything. Things go so much better for people that fall in love with their best friend."

"But I have Shawn.  I may not love him like I love Luke, but at least Shawn loves me. Now if you excuse me, I'm going back downstairs."

Alexa then left Emma feeling sad and guilty. Luke means too much to her to risk loosing him.

When she went downstairs she saw Shawn and Luke talking. Shawn must've arrived when she was upstairs. They were getting a long just fine which made her happy. But then they both looked at her and smiled. 

They both mean so much to her and are both so perfect. That moment made her realize that she  needed to make a desicion on who to be with.

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