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Ah Christmas, the one time of year where you can spend the whole day with family and loved ones. To be honest, I did not think this world had Christmas. But sure enough a little later, I was invited for a little Christmas party over at Lucy's place. It was about 5:00pm when I arrived at the house. As I walked in, I saw Wendy, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, Juvia, Happy, Carla, Panther Lilly, Levi, and Lucy all gathered in the dining room. "Hey everyone, Merry Christmas", I said. Everyone then wished me a Merry Christmas as well. "I'm glad you could make it Draco", Lucy said happily. I walked over to the table and sat down next to Wendy.

Lucy stood up and got everyone's attention. "I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight. It has been a great year", she said as she raised her glass, "And here is to another good year, cheers!". The rest of us then exclaimed, "Cheers!". We then drank what we had in our glasses.

I left for a bit to go pick up some more food since we ran out. When I returned, I was greeted by a drunk Lucy. "Welcome back Draco", Lucy said drunkly. I walked in to see all of the girls drunk, with Levi messing with Gajeel and Juvia bothering Gray. Lucy then went over to Natsu and started to bug him. Erza was drinking more and the exeeds were asleep on the couch. I then realized the sleepy drunk Wendy on the table. Yes, she was laying on the table. That is how you know someone is drunk. "What the hell!", I yelled, "Who let Wendy drink, she is not old enough to drink yet!". I then ran over to her and checked on her. "Wendy, can you hear me?", I asked as I picked her up and put her on the other couch. "E-everything is all... spiny", she said before passing out


The girls finally were sane again and were no longer drunk. Wendy was back to normal which I was happy about. "Hey Wendy, I got you a gift, but you will have to wait until we get home", I said while quickly regretting my wording. "Oooo Draco", Lucy said, "I think Wendy will very much love your gift". 'I'm getting really tired of your crap Lucy...', I thought. Wendy then blushed and I said, "It's not 'that' kind of gift. I just left it at the apartment". We then all gathered on the floor where I sat with Wendy on my right and Lucy on my left. Then everyone decided we should play a game. "I'm sure you all know the rules of truth or dare?", Lucy asked, "Well this game will be a little different. Instead of taking turns getting asked questions or doing dares, each of us will ask Draco and question or dare him to do something". 'Oh no', I thought, 'There is no way this can end well'. "Okay", Lucy said, "Who would like to start".

My stomach sank once Gajeel raised his hand to go first. "Stand on one hand and do 25 push-ups", Gajeel said. I sighed but did so anyway. It took me about 30 seconds which surprised him. Next was Juvia and her question caught me off guard. "Do you have feelings for Gray" she said with a slightly threatening tone. "No I don't, I'm not gay. I mean Gray x Leon is still a thing", I said. "Shut up Draco", Gray said, "I want you to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce". "Fair enough", I said as I grabbed the hot sauce. I then chugged the whole bottle and passed out for 5 minutes. After I regained consciousness it was Natsu's turn. "Hold still while I punch you in the face", he said. Before I could say anything, Natsu punched me in face. I had a giant bruise on my face and Wendy ran over to heal my face.

There were then 4 people left Levi, Erza, Lucy, and Wendy. Levi said she did not want to ask me anything or dare me to do something, so it was down to 3. I was not worried about Lucy or Wendy, it was Erza who worried me. However it was not yet her turn. It was Lucy's. "Draco, kiss Wendy", She said with an evil grin. 'Crap...', I thought. Wendy then blushed when I got closer. I then kissed her on the cheek and Wendy almost passed out again. "Hey Wendy are you okay, you're burning up", I said. Wendy did not say anything. "Hey I said kiss her", Lucy protested. "Well you did not say where, you have to be more specific", I said with a smile.

It was then Wendy's turn. "Please be honest... do you like Chelia?...", Wendy asked shyly. 'Well crap, here we go', I thought. "No, she is just a friend", I said. I saw some relief on her face and we moved on. Finally it was Erza's turn. 'Oh god, here we go', I thought. Erza spoke, "Do you have any family and if you do where are they now? I would like to one day meet them". My face suddenly went pale and I stared at the floor. Wendy seeing this said, "Erza, that is a private question he should not have to answer". "Wendy... it's okay... ", I said.

"Well, they're dead...", I said sadly. "What happened?", Lucy asked. "I-I.... I killed them...", I said. Everyone had a really surprised and shocked look on their face. "Why would you kill them?!", Lucy exclaimed. "From the day I was born, they never cared about me. They treated me like I was just a pain. They would constantly beat me and mentally abuse me. They told me I was worth nothing and would never be worth anything. I was just a waste of space. Then... one day they decided to get rid of me. They planned on killing me. I overheard their plan and prepared myself. They came into my room really late at night with a knife, ready to get rid of me. I was awake when they tried to stab me and I managed to take the knife from them. I then killed them... it was out of self defense but... I still have their blood on my hands...", I said with my voice really shaky.

I got up and looked at everyone. "I should go, it's getting late and I'm tired. I'll see you all tomorrow at the guild", I said as I slowly walked to the door and left the house. "Draco, wait", Wendy called out as she ran after me. I was walking outside in the snow when Wendy caught up to me. "Draco, I'm really sorry, you did not have to tell us. Those kinds of questions should not have been asked", she said. "It's not that Wendy... I just-", I hesitated. "Draco, you can tell me", she said. I walked up to her. "Draco-", Wendy said but was cut off when I hugged her.

"I-I don't want you to think I'm a killer. I don't want anyone to think I'm a killer. I've kept this a secret because I don't want you or anyone else to think differently of me". "Draco... why didn't you tell me this?", Wendy asked. "Wendy, I thought that if I told you about my past, you would hate me. You would be scared of me. I didn't want that. I know I'm being selfish but—", I said before getting cut off when she hugged me back. "Draco, I don't think any different of you. No matter what your past is, I will always care about you", Wendy said. Wendy smiled and I soon did the same. "Thank you Wendy". I said. I then noticed we were under a mistletoe.


(Writer) WHO SAID THAT!!?!

Wendy quickly noticed it as well and started to blush. As we got closer she started to get even more red. We were really about to kiss! Suddenly, Wendy stopped and hugged me. 'Alright, you know what, this is better', I thought. Wendy then noticed something out of the corner of her eye. It was Lucy, watching from behind a light pole. Wendy quickly stopped hugging me and nodded her head towards Lucy. I then saw Lucy and I only thought one thing. 'Damnit Lucy, you had to show up now', I thought. We then decided it would be a good idea if we went home. "What about Carla?", Wendy asked. "Don't worry, she can make it home on her own", I answered.

We made our way back to the apartment where there was a gift on the table I had gotten for Wendy. She opened it to reveal a 7 carat diamond necklace. "Wow Draco, it's beautiful", she said in amazement, "How were you able to get this". "I made it from scratch. I found a giant cave that had a lot of diamonds and gold. So I mined it out and hand carved the diamond", I said. "You hand made this?", she asked in awe, "Oh thank you Draco", she exclaimed as she hugged me. "Merry Christmas Wendy", I said. "Merry Christmas Draco", she said. That was the best Christmas ever.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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