Let The War Begin

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Draco's POV

I've been training every day since I met Satan and it has been going really well. I managed to turn a bar of gold into a spirit bomb sized ball of plasma and managed to create a portal to the moon... surprisingly. I was training with Yuki and I feel like we have connected a bit. She still doesn't believe me about Drake being the one to summon Cthulhu but at this point, it's either she joins us again or we kill her. I would rather we do the first option but the second is a last resort. Yuki and I were talking at a table that was set up. Satan and Drake walked into the room and sat down. "Alright, today is the day", Satan said. "For what?", I asked. "Today is the day we invade Fiore. An we will attack the guilds", Satan said. 'Wait, that's today?! I thought I would have a bit more time to prepare...', I thought.

"Just remember the deal. You will not hurt my friends", I said. "Yes, I stand by my word", Satan said. "So, what's the plan?", Yuki asked. "We are going to gather our forces and rush their home base", Drake said. "That's it?", Yuki asked, "I thought we would have a bit more of a strategy". "You don't need a strategy when you are fighting someone as weak as them", Drake said. 'Well screw you! Last time I checked, I kicked your ass', I thought. Satan then stood up and spoke, "We will leave in two hours. Be ready". Drake and Satan left the room and Yuki and I got up. "Finally", Yuki said. "Are you really okay with attacking everyone at the guild?", I asked. "Of course. They fought my father, along with you", Yuki said. "If you attack any of my friends, I will protect them", I said. "If you do, I will just kill you", Yuki said. Did I say that we connected? Well never mind what I said.

"Whatever", I said. I walked off and made my way to my room. I laid down in my bed and looked at the ceiling. 'Damnit... I still don't know Drake's weakness. I'm so sorry everyone...', I thought, 'Wendy, I hope you found the crystals. That may be your only chance for survival'.

3 hours later

I was unable to go out to the battlefield and was still stuck in Satan's giant mansion. I heard a giant explosion and ran outside to see a giant portal. Satan walked up to me and spoke, "Something has happened. We must go and see what happened". "Fine", I said. We walked through the portal and right when we got through, a spear of black magic was shot through Satan's chest. 'What the hell?!', I thought.

Wendy's POV

Before the battle

All of the mages were hurrying to the guild hall and the citizens of Magnolia were leaving to somewhere more safe. I ran into the guild hall with Carla flying a few feet behind me. I went over to Mavis, who was talking to Alex and Chelia, and Mavis spoke, "Wendy, I'm glad you're here. Do you have the crystal?". "Yes", I said as I revealed my crystal around my neck from under my shirt. "Good, we have everything we need", Mavis said, "However, there is something I need to tell you". "What?", I asked. "I fazed into Draco's grave so I could get his crystal, but the crystal wasn't there. In fact, his body was not there at all", Mavis said. "What?! How?!", I exclaimed. "I do not know. But the point is, we will not have his crystal for the fight. And in order to use the crystals, you have to be bonded with it. So Yuki's crystal will be useless. We have three crystals to use", Mavis said. "And if one of our crystals break, we can't seal all three of them", Alex said. "Correct", Mavis said. She floated up to the stage and looked at everyone.

"Hello, thank you all for being here today. As you know, someone named Drake will be attacking us with an army of demons. He has two partners that we need to be careful of. Hades, the second guild master of this guild. And Yuki, a former member of the guild. We have one mission, capture Drake, Hades, and Yuki. Our number one priority is keeping Alex, Chelia, and Wendy safe. They have the key to sealing them", Mavis said. This continued on for a while until we heard something outside of the guild hall. We all ran outside to see that the sky was turning red. We looked into the distance to see Drake walking towards us. Mavis floated ahead of us.

"Hello Mavis", Drake said. Mavis didn't say anything and continued to stare at Drake. "I assume you know what is about to happen. However we can avoid this fight", Drake said. "How?", Mavis asked. "Turn over Wendy Marvell. If you do that, I will cancel the attack", Drake said. 'I could keep everyone alive by going with them... should I do it? Yes, I have to', I thought. I was about to speak when Alex spoke instead. "Oh the hell we are!", Alex yelled, "You are not coming here and demanding things after you killed Draco". "Well, I guess we don't have a deal?", Drake asked. "Go back to the hole you crawled out of", Chelia said. "Very well", Drake said. "LET THE MASSACRE BEGIN!!!". Drake formed a ball of dark magic in his hand and jumped really far back. He tossed the ball into the ground and we were all sent flying back. The ground was torn up and the buildings were destroyed.

We all managed to get up and a giant army of demons rushed us. We then started to fight back and the battle that would end all battles, had begun.

Fairy Tail (Wendy Marvell) x Draco Clash 2Where stories live. Discover now