Meeting Satan

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I don't know how long I was down in that room but it felt like weeks or even months. I guess I didn't need to eat in the afterlife because I never felt hungry. Maybe it was just something you did for fun. I kept trying to find ways to get out of the room but still couldn't find a way. I was relaxing on the floor when a door formed. A few demons with Zangetsu sized swords walked in. They spoke in another language so I did not know what they were saying. They waved over to the door so I got up and walked through the door. They took me to a giant throne room that was a mixture of black and gray on the walls. There was a golden throne and two giant fountains of blood. 'That is so not creepy', I thought. I saw Drake and immediately wanted to cut his throat but I was out numbered. There had to be a couple thousand demons there. That just shows how big this room was. I then saw the person sitting in the throne. He looked like an ordinary demon, but he was far bigger and was gold in color. He rose from the throne and his voice boomed in the room.

"Welcome Draco. I'm so glad we could have you here", Satan said. I wanted to say 'go to hell' but we already were. "What do you want?", I said impatiently, "If you want me to go kill Rin Okumura just say the word". "I only wanted to talk", Satan said. "Do you really have time for that? Don't you have a fast food restaurant you need to go work at or something?", I said clearly annoyed. "Now Draco, we're all friends here", Satan said. "The hell we are!", I yelled, "And cut this hospitality crap. If you want to talk to me that must mean you want something". "I guess Drake was right, you get right to the point. Alright, I have a proposition for you", Satan said. "What?", I asked. "I want you to join me", Satan said. "Why the hell would I join you. What could you have that isn't already taken from me?!", I yelled. "Your friends' safety", Satan said. 'Let's see where this goes', I thought.

"Go on", I said. "I know the power you have. You have two different unique magic skills that even Drake can't use. Your power to form Nether and Aether and the power to shape reality", Satan said. "Wait, I died from a Nether dagger. How did you get one?", I asked Drake. "That is for me to know", Drake said. I looked at Satan and spoke, "So I'm guessing you want to use me to either destroy the universe or take it over? That is what you people usually want". "No, think bigger Draco. If you have the power to change reality, then we can open portals to other dimensions", Satan said. "Sorry to tell you this but I can't do that. If I could have done that, I would not have gotten rid of my amulet. So I can't really help you", I said. "You may not be able to do it now, but with training, you will", Satan said, "And if you join us, I will personally make it to where you and your friends get everything you could ever want. It will be paradise".

"And why should I believe you? What can you do to make me trust you?", I asked. "I swear on my throne that if you join me, your friends will not be hurt", Satan said, "I may be Satan but even I keep my promises". 'Am I really considering this?! I can't trust them. But... if it means that Wendy and the others are safe... OH GOD DAMNIT!!!'. I thought. "Alright, I'll join you. But if anyone hurts Wendy, I don't care how many demons are here, I will personally kill everyone in this room. I can promise you that", I said. "Then it's a deal. Drake, so our new guest to his new room. And Draco, I want you to join me for dinner tonight", Satan said, "I'll see you then". Drake brought me to a room and it was nice. It had everything you could ever want inside it. It had a king size bed, flatscreen tv, computer, a mini fridge full of drinks and snacks, and even a little hot tub.

"Enjoy your stay, I'll come get you for dinner", Drake said. "I'm just going to say this. I really hate you. You don't know how much I want to kill you right now", I said. "Well, you can always try", Drake said. "Why are you even letting me join you?", I asked. "We need your powers, it's as simple as that", Drake said, "And might I ask you why you decided to join us?". "I'm only doing this for one reason, to protect Wendy", I said.

"You are doing this so we can't harm her. You know you can't stop us, so you are resorting to helping us", Drake said. "Now remember everything you said you would do? Well you won't be able to do that now. I mean, you would not have been able to either way", I said.

"I'll never understand how or why you humans do so much to protect others", Drake said. "What about Yuki?", I asked, "Would you protect her?". Drake started laughing. "Of course not! She may be my daughter but she has to take care of herself. If she was about to die I would leave her to do so. If she dies, that just means that she was weak and not worth helping", Drake said.

"You sick bastard", I said. "Whatever I am, and whatever you are, you can't protect those you care about. You are not strong enough. And if you plan on betraying us, just know that you will be right back in hell to rot", Drake said. "Then let's just say that if there is a place worse than hell, I'll personally send you there", I said. "Have a nice stay", Drake said as he walked away. I relaxed in my room for a while until Drake came to get me. We made our way to a giant room that had a giant table with a lot of food. I sat down in the chair closest to Satan and Drake sat opposite of me. I saw Hades and Yuki sit down and I saw Yuki scowl at me. I instantly wanted to kill everyone in the room. Drake and Hades have been telling Yuki lies but she killed me. That does not put a smile on my face. Everyone started to dig in except for me.

"You really should eat. You will need the energy for your training", Satan said. "I really don't feel like eating", I said. "Draco, you can trust me. I won't do anything to kill you, we made a deal. And you're already dead", Satan said. "Fine", I said. I took a bite of the steak on my plate and it was good. But I could make it better. Time to go Food Wars in here. I added a bunch of stuff to my steak and Satan just watched. I finished adding stuff and took a bite. 'Much better', I thought, 'Shouldn't we be getting fast food instead of this? He does work at a fast food place right?'. We sat in silence until we finished eating. Little flying demons took our plates and we all got up. "Alright, in 10 minutes I want Yuki and Draco back in my throne room", Satan said as he walked off. I made my way back to my room to get ready. I looked in the mirror and thought, 'I'll be back soon. Just give me some time'.

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