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Wendy's POV

We got Draco to the infirmary and he rested for about two hours. Alex and I sat by him the whole time until he opened his eyes. "Draco!", I exclaimed. However something was off about Draco, his eyes. They had no color to them and looked dead. Draco sat up in his bed and got up. "H-Hey, what's wrong?", I asked. "Hey Draco, you need to rest", Alex said as he put his hand on Draco's shoulder. Draco grabbed Alex's hand and tossed him to the wall. "Draco! What are you doing?!", I yelled. "What the hell?!", Alex yelled. Draco grabbed Alex's face and slammed him through the window. They fell to the ground outside and Alex managed to land on top of Draco, sending Draco into the ground.

"What's wrong with you?!", Alex yelled. A giant explosion of Nether was set off and sent Alex into the sky. I ran outside and saw Draco and Alex clashing their Nether and fire swords. Draco sent Alex flying back and Natsu joined the fight. He used his Fire Dragon Iron Fist but Draco grabbed his fist and tossed him away. Erza and Gray joined the fight but were easily taken out. Even Macorav came out fo the guild hall to fight. "Draco!! What is the meaning of this?!", Macorav yelled. Draco said nothing and formed a sythe made of Nether. He slashed at Macorav and Macorav increased the size of his hand and destroyed the sythe. I ran over to Alex and tried to heal his wounds. "Thanks, Wendy", Alex said. "Just stay still", I said. I looked back at Macorav and Draco to see they were still fighting.

"Draco, stop this now!!", Macorav yelled. Draco ran towards Macorav and threw a punch. Macorav dodged it and slugged Draco in the stomach. However Draco did not fall down or even flinch. Draco looked up and put his hands on his head. Draco screamed in a demonic voice and a giant explosion went off. The surrounding buildings were destroyed and some of us were sent flying. Draco's dragon wings were now demon wings and he let out a demonic screech. "Draco, enough!!!", Macorav yelled as her put his hands together and formed a ball of light in his hand, "Fairy Law!!!!". A bright light enveloped Macorav and Draco and blinded everyone.

When the light disappeared, Draco and Macorav were still standing. Draco formed a small, compact ball of Nether in his hand. He held out the ball towards Macorav and screeched in a demonic voice. A giant wave of Nether was shot towards Macorav and created a giant explosion. When the dust cleared, Macorav was on the ground unconscious. Draco walked over to Macorav and formed a Nether axe. I got up and ran towards Draco and yelled, "Draco!! Please stop!!". I grabbed his arm and his axe disappeared. He looked back and looked at me with his soulless eyes. "Draco, what's wrong? Please stop hurting everyone", I said.

Draco spoke in a demonic voice but this time it sounded weak, "W-Wendy... p-please.... help me....". "D-Draco?", I said before Draco grabbed his head and screamed. He tossed me off his arm and sent me flying. I hit the ground and Draco continued screaming. He collapsed to the ground and the clouds around us turned dark. I got up again and limped over to Draco. I got about 5 feet away from him and he quickly got up. He appeared right in front of me and stared at me. However his eyes were different again. His eyes were no longer empty and dead, but were blood red. There was even a drop of blood that came out of his eye, that streaked down his face.

Draco formed a knife of Nether and held it up to my neck. His arm was shaking and I could see that he was struggling. He fell to his knees and the knife disappeared. The Nether subsided and his eyes turned bright purple again.

Draco's POV

I looked around and saw all of the damage I had caused. I saw a few of the guild members surround me. I just stood there on my knees and thought to myself, 'What have I done....'

Fairy Tail (Wendy Marvell) x Draco Clash 2Where stories live. Discover now