One Year

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"Ah, it's good to be back", Drake said. "D-Damnit...", I said weakly. Drake kicked me in the face and I hit the ground. Wendy jumped in the air and tried to kick Drake. Drake grabbed her ankle and tossed her to the wall. "Thank you Hades", Drake said. Drake then looked at Yuki and spoke, "Hello... daughter....". Yuki got up and ran to Drake and hugged him, "Father! I'm so happy you're back!". "What... Yuki... you're Drake's daughter...?", I said weakly. "Don't use my name, Draco. I'm the one who made you go berserk and attack everyone in your guild and got you arrested. And I regret nothing", Yuki said. "Yuki, you did all of that?! Good job!", Drake exclaimed.

I slowly got up and Wendy spoke, "Draco! Don't get up yet. Your wounds are not healed yet". I took my sword off of my back and limped towards Drake. "Oh, you want to fight me again? Well then, round two", Drake said, "Yuki, stay out of this one. I want to have some fun". Drake held out his hand and formed a small sun in his hand. We all stared in fear, even Yuki backed away. Drake then spoke, "You may have gotten the limited reality warping powers, but I got everything else. Shape shifting, Omniscience, Vast dark powers, Psychic abilities, Plasma manipulation, and more. I can even create and manipulate stars!".

I swung my sword and Drake put the sun in front on him to block the sword. Everyone got sent flying, even Hades and Yuki. "Sorry you two, I guess I haven't learned to fully control my power. Anyways, let's go", Drake said as he headed for the door. I got up, struggling to not fall down and spoke, "Where... do you think you're going... We're not done yet...". Drake walked over to me and backhanded me across my face. I fell to the ground, just barely conscious.

"Alright, I want to rematch, so we will make a deal. You have one year, Draco. One year to prepare for our fight. I will not attack you or anyone you know until then. I want to beat you at your best so you know, that even when you're at your strongest, you were not strong enough to beat me. On that day, our battle will be legendary. And remember my last attack, well the next one a year from now will be nothing like the one we had before. I will talk to some of my friends in hell and make some deals. I will bring an army to kill each and every one of you. So Draco, I'll see you in a year....", Drake said as He, Yuki, and Hades walked out of the house.

Two hours later

Back in Magnolia at Wendy's apartment

Alex and Chelia were sitting at the dining table and I was on the couch. Wendy sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Draco, we'll find a way to beat him, I know it", Wendy said. "First Yuki betrays us, and now Drake is back with almost all of Cthulhu's powers. I won't be able to win this time..", I said. "You told me you beat him before, so you can do it again. And if you can't, I'll beat him for you", Alex said. "That's the thing, I was only able to beat him when I used my Dragon Force. And the only reason I was able to beat Cthulhu was because I destroyed a galaxy", I said. "You destroyed a galaxy?!", Alex exclaimed. "Yeah, my Dragon Force is pretty powerful", I said, "And the only reason I was able to get into Dragon Force, was because Wendy, Chelia, and everyone else have me their power when they were dead. I don't think we should get that to happen again". "I guess we will just have to be ready for the big fight", Chelia said. "Yeah, then let's not waste any time. Let's get to training", I said.


Wow, Drake is back and has the power to erase the entire planet in an instant. When I said sh*t goes down, I wasn't kidding. I hope you enjoyed this section and I will publish the next few chapters when I have completed them.

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