🌈 - 5

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"Damn who's this lucky girl Felix likes?" Chan asked

"Felix? Girls? hahaha funny joke-" Jisung replied, causing Felix to hit him on the arm

"Oh? So is a boy? Huh?" Minho Replied with a dirty look on his face, making Felix blush even more

"Care to say who?" Minho asked, but Felix shakes his head in embarrassment

*Ding ding*
Lunch have finally ended, after Jisung exposes Felix having a crush, hyunjin was really quiet for the rest of the lunch super....awkward I would say

Chan's house

"HYUNGGGG!!! DID YOU HEARRRR what Jisung Said... F-felix HAVE A DAMN CRUSH! OH MY GOD! Who could IT BE! Im so annoyed!" Hyunjin whined as he roll on the ground in frustration

"Hyunjin is fine! Don't worry about it, I mean at least is a boy, you could just steal Felix from him or something" chan said while laughing

"NOO HYUNG! You don't understand ehhhh I can't force him if he doesn't like me" hyunjin Said still rolling on the ground while stressing over who Felix has a crush on

If he finds out who Felix's crush is, he plan to steal Felix away from him, but if the boy likes Felix back then... hyunjin will have no chance, is also kind impossible to steal Felix away from his crush, since literally half of the boys in school have a crush on Felix, including Hyunjin himself

Hyunjin doesn't just likes Felix by his looks, he likes everything about Felix, his cute smile, soft giggle, adorable personality that makes hyunjin wants to protect him so bad, and oh. of course we won't left out the freckles too

But no joke though, is a good match, school bad boy dates school cute boy


"Then hyung! What do I have to dooo to make him maybe change his mind on whoever his crush is" hyunjin Asked

Hyunjin think again, what if he likes you?, well if he doesn't then, I guess you just... try to get his attention and change his mind I guess...?"

"You think he will like me?..." hyunjin asked finally stopped rolling on the ground and sit up staring at chan

"Well- You'll never know? Right?"

Attention // Hyunlix 🔚 under edit Where stories live. Discover now