🌈 - 26

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Warning for some very 👉👌, if you do not like smut or is underage, please skip this chapter skksskksk!!! And also bear with me, this is literally my first ever time writing Smut Skskskk I cringed so much ✊✊🙃


"J-Jinnie" Felix moaned softly, while Hyunjin place his hand on Felix's thighs and slowly moving up to his waist, hyunjin smirk at the cute noises Felix made

Hyunjin softly bite the top of Felix's lips, causing him to gasp. Hyunjin took this opportunity to explore the younger's sweet, wet cavern~

"Hyungg" Felix whined, when hyunjin stopped kissing him

"Your drunk baby, but do you want me to continue you know I cou-" Hyunjin said

"Y-Yes plewese!! Lixue knows what his doiing"

"Ok baby, but don't complain tomorrow" Hyunjin's husky voice made shivers down Felix's spine, "Jinnieee is very handsome" Felix added while giggling

Hyunjin swear he almost choked to death


Felix pulled Hyunjin's shirt and leaned in closer, start kissing the older's lips once again, but hyunjin wasn't kissing back, making Felix pouted, "Pleaseee Jinnie" felix Said staring at the older with his puppy like eyes, hyunjin finally gives up, he was planning to tease the younger a little bit more, but no, he can't, the baby was too cute

Hyunjin instantly wins control over the kiss, his dominance quickly showing as he kisses the life out of the boy, the older soon when down to Felix's neck, sucking his neck softly leaving his spot, on the boy's precious body

"You're mine now" hyunjin Said while looking at the reddish hickeys he gave the boy all over the neck, "I want more hyung pleewise"

Hyunjin smirked at the respond, he sits up and took his shirt off, his naked body and fine figure was showing, Felix was blushing really hard at how amazing Hyunjin's body looks, even though he is drunk, he still knows what his doing, and what he wants~

Felix cried out wordlessly, writhing in place, one of his hands moving to clutch the back of Hyunjin's head.

"Can I?" Hyunjin asked for permission to take the younger's boxer off, Felix hesitate a little before shyly nodded, because he-

Hyunjin stared at the boy's under, be smirked while Felix was as red as a tomato

"Someone's very we-"

"Hyunjin, Please. Stop teasing me." Felix Said shyly, hiding his face with his small baby hands, hyunjin had a mischievous smirk at how cute felix was~

"Hey I wanna see your pretty face, don't hide them"

Hyunjin grabbed a bottle of lube from his draw, he squeezed some on his hand, and some around Felix's hole (yeet)

"Jinnie is colddd" Felix whined with the cold liquid on him

"I know baby, but it be won't anymore"

Hyunjin place his hands on Felix's inner thighs making Felix gasp, and moan softly

"This might hurt baby"

"Is ok, lixue can take it"

"Alright whatever you say baby"

[sorry but I oop- this isn't Felix's first time, bc him and our Binnie also had- well is more a force 👉👌🗿]

Hyunjin slowly sticks one finger inside Felix making the younger gasp and cried alittle, is being a long time since the last time

"I can stop baby"

"N-no is f-fine, more please"

Hyunjin smiled at the younger's words and soon stick in another finger, this time instead of pain, it start giving Felix pleasure

Felix whimpered loudly, trying to close his legs to alleviate some of the pleasure there, but hyunjin held his thighs spread.

"J-Jinnie I'm goin-"

"Not yet baby"

Hyunjin chuckled and moved his finger tip out,
"Noo" Felix whined

Without further warning, Hyunjin thrust two of his fingers deep inside the younger and set a devastating pace while felix's spine snapped into a curve "HYUNJIN!" a near scream tearing its way from his throat.

Felix was just about to hit the point of no return when Hyunjin once again pulled his fingers out, Felix groaned at the loss but took a moment to gather his senses enough to work out what had just happened.

"Ready?" He asked, slowly pulling Felix's legs apart again, felix hummed as he nodded shyly, hyunjin kissed both of his thighs, before getting into position to put it in, he squeezed some lube on his member

"Ready baby?" Felix hummed back preparing for the monster, without anything warning hyunjin pushed his member straight into Felix

"HYUNJIN" Felix screamed

"Shhhh baby, you're too loud"

"B-but y-you Aahhh" Felix stopped when hyunjin start moving inside, "h-hyunjin" Felix moaned the older's name once again from the pleasure he be getting

"F-faster p-please" Felix whined

"Whatever you say baby" hyunjin Replied Back start hitting hard, making Felix moan loudly

"Aahhh baby.. you feel so good and tight inside"
(I died, while writing this🗿)

"j-Jinnie , I think- I'm going t- p-please deeperrr"

Hyunjin lifts felix's legs and places them on his shoulder. He pushes deeper, making Felix moan louder, "Hyunjinna, this is to-o much, I'm going to- ." Felix's voice is low and husky, as feels Hyunjin's dick, moving inside him

Hyunjin grinds and swivels his hips, then pulls out, pushes in, grinds and swivels again. He repeats the pattern until Felix begging him for release.

"Ah Felix I think I'm also-"

Felix pulled hyunjin down, asking for kiss, at the moment their lips touch, Hyunjin drives into Felix, hard and the younger shriek into his mouth.

It takes a few thrusts and that, Felix's whole body let go in an orgasm that feels like complete submergence in a pool of pure physical pleasure. soon Hyunjin follows immediately letting out inside Felix. Felix was Panting so much, hyunjin gently pulls out and falls beside Felix

Felix falls asleep right after, hyunjin got up cleaned himself and put his boxer on, he grabbed more wet wipes to clean Felix up, felix made a cute noise when hyunjin was wiping his inner thighs, after cleaning hyunjin grabbed a pair of clean boxer and slide them on Felix, he also grabbed his pink hoodie that Felix wore last time and put it on him


After hyunjin flopped back on the bed next to felix, as felix sense that hyunjin is next to him, he turned his body around and snuggled towards hyunjin buried his head in Hyunjin's chest, hyunjin was in his awes, he place his hand on Felix's waist and pulled him closer towards his chest closing any gap between them, he smiled at the boy in his arm, it felt like a dream-

Wait I haven't... ok nvm we solve this out the next morning, Soon after hyunjin also falls asleep with the love of his life

Ummm Well- HOly shit... I was listening to artificial love by exo to giving me ideas HSKSKSKSKSK

I wrote this during my June exam.... so now I'm editing this I'm actually???? What the fuck?

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