🌈 - 18

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Hyunjin smirked at Felix. Making Felix blushed, hyunjin licked the corner of his lips, and when in closer towards Felix, he was expecting Felix to back off or something, definitely not what happened next

Felix couldn't control himself, since hyunjin was all teasing him, licking his lips, Felix was basically going crazy he really wanted to know how Hyunjin's lips felt like, since hyunjin leaned in, Felix decided he should just go for it

When hyunjin was about move away from the younger's face, Felix pulled the older by the collar and smashed their lips together

Hyunjin was taken back alittle, he was shock, and also cursing mentally

Felix quickly pulled away, blushing, he couldn't believe what he just did, he stood up and quickly runout, hyunjin when and chased him, but Felix pushed him away and got on a taxi-leaving the dumbfound hyunjin alone outside the cinema

The others POV

"Guys their face is so close to each other" Chan said trying not to scream

"Shhh hyung! they gonna notice us" Jeongin said while looking straight at the two boys

"I bet you 10 bucks that Felix is going to kiss him"  Minho said to chan

"I bet you, 30 bucks that Felix is gonna run off after" Jisung said to Chan

"Alright, we'll see"

"O-oh!...sh-shit" Chan Said with his mouth wide opened at what he just saw

"O-oh my..that's longer than I expec-, oh! And there goes your 30 bucks hyung" Jisung said as he watch Felix running out of the cinema

"Also my 10 bucks... Felix kissed him" Minho added

"Well.....Okay....then.." chan sighed

Attention // Hyunlix 🔚 under edit Where stories live. Discover now