🌈 - 29

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Soon hyunjin let go of Felix, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck

"Umm....so about last night... i— I don't know if-"

Felix cutting hyunjin off, by leaning in kissing his lips, and that's when Jisung walked in on them

Hyunjin was confused, yet wasn't surprise

I mean.... he wouldn't let me fuck him if he doesn't like me right?

Unless.... his like those girls only wants my dick... I hope his not like that....


Felix quickly pulled away and covered his face with his baby hands, he was about to ran out of the room when, hyunjin quickly grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him back

"You think, you could just ran away after kissing me huh?" Hyunjin Said while his hands are around the younger's waist, all Felix did was blushed, he was too embarrassed to even say anything

"Last time you sai-" Hyunjin's mouth is covered up by Felix's baby hands

"I LIKE YOU HYUNJIN" Felix shouted out, Hyunjin's lips were so wide when he heard what he always wanted to hear, even though you couldn't see his lips, but his eyes was giving it away, When hyunjin smile, his eyes turn into a cute moon shape

Felix was too scared to look at hyunjin, before he screamed he likes the boy, he shut his eyes tight

Hyunjin removed Felix's hands off his lips-
"Well, would you like to be mine forever?"

Felix slowly opened his eyes, and swear he almost fainted

"y-yes!" Felix Said shyly, hyunjin smiled at the boy's respond

You're finally mine


Hyunjin lift Felix up and place him on his lap, Felix wrapped the older's waist with his leg, and his neck with his arms, while hyunjin place one of his arm around the younger's waist and one hand on the younger's chin

"Can I?". Felix nodded

This time, the kiss was more gentle and soft, suddenly Felix remembered what happened last night, he quickly start blushing, and hyunjin could feel the younger's body heating up, Felix softly ruffled the older's hair while hyunjin kissing him passionately

After few minutes of kissing, both of them pulled away, gasping for air, they soon smiled at each other and both of them were so happy

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