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Hyunjin tried his best to ignore Felix, but he misses Felix so bad, Felix's cute face, the way Felix smile and his cute giggles, even Felix's hand made lunch for him, through out the week, hyunjin wanted to give up and just confess to Felix, but no. Because ya know. Reputation

Is being two weeks since, hyunjin have talked to felix, hyunjin was going crazy, and so is felix, Felix was basically depressed everyday, hoping for hyunjin to at least say hi to him, but nope. No sign of him at all

Hyunjin on the other hand was praying that Felix might come and talk to him, nope. Felix didn't come find him at all, why? Because, first because Felix thought hyunjin hates him now, and second it was because Felix still remembers the girl hyunjin was with.

"Jisung im going crazy!" Felix Said while laying on the rooftop ground

"Don't worry, maybe hyunjin is busy..."

"Yeah...busy with other girls..."

"Then why don't you go talk to him?"

"No...I can't sungie...because idk...maybe his mad at me or something"

"Well...I mean I could ask Minho..." Jisung said, making Felix sit up straight
"Yes please"

"Wait are you and Minho a thing now?" Felix asked winking

"N-no...I don't think he likes me" Jisung said looking down playing with his fingers

"Awww sungie is ok! He does!!! have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"Oh says who now? two seconds ago you were crying over hyunjin not giving you attention"

"Oh shut up jisung, now go text Minho!!"

"Fine fine"

Attention // Hyunlix 🔚 under edit Where stories live. Discover now