🌈 - 6

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"DAMN IT Jisung! Why did you expose me! Ehh! What if hyunjin find out I like him, is so embarrassing, did you not hear what he said, he'll never date me or even like me!" Felix Said crossing his arm and pouting at his best friend, all Jisung did was laughing his ass off

"Shut up Jisung! If he finds out I like him, you're so dead" Felix Said glaring at Jisung

"Don't worry! Don't worry! I don't think he will... what if he likes you too? I mean he only target you, out of literally everyone in this school"

"No jisung, do you not remember? he said! he will! never! date! me! or even! like! me!" Felix yelled

"Alright Alright calm down,calmmm down!" Jisung held his hands up in surrender, nodding continuously.


Felix was talking to Jisung by his locker, laughing his ass off about how embarrassed Jisung was around Minho, when suddenly Jisung tapped him on the shoulder and pointed behind him, Felix was confused, but he followed Jisung's finger and turned around, seeing an hyunjin angrily walking towards them, but what surprised Felix was, hyunjin walked pass them without saying anything or do anything, which disappointed-surprised Felix a lot... like, a lot

"Woh... is hyunjin ok?" Jisung asked chan who stopped by them

"Well....not really... his being moody for no reason today...I guess he waked up on the wrong side of the bed" chan said while laughing a little

Felix were just staring at hyunjin who disappeared at the end of the school hallway He pouted a little, not getting Hyunjin's attention today.

For the rest of the week, hyunjin didn't even bother talking to him at all, and what upset Felix the most was instead of him bringing Hyunjin's lunch, another pretty girl start bringing hyunjin lunch and hangout with him


Felix was thinking about where hyunjin was, Since he never really sees hyunjin in room 4419 now

Is hyunjin mad?

Why is he ignoring me?

Did I do something?

Felix was pouting, thinking why hyunjin is ignoring him, then- he walked pass room 0325, when he sees a girl feeding...the one and only hyunjin, hyunjin had both of his hands around the girl's waist. While the girl had her free hand around Hyunjin's neck, they were laughing and talking like a couple.

Felix, who were outside the door feeling his heart just broke into tiny pieces, he hold onto his book tight and run off

Jisung who didn't see Felix at all today was worried, he looked everywhere around the school and finally find the crying Felix at the rooftop

"What's wrong lix?" Jisung asked while bringing Felix into a hug

"I-I saw a girl with hyunjin today, and and h-hyunjin were laughing and talking with her, an-and he even had his hands around her waist..I-I think is his new girlfriend" Felix Said hiccuping while wiping his tears with his sleeves

"Nooo Felix please don't cry, Maybe it wasn't hyunjin or something" Jisung said but his kinda making the situation worse, because is clearly hyunjin, his a player, what do you expect.

The end of the day, hyunjin and Minho walked pass The two boys, hyunjin took a glance at Felix, he realise Felix's eyes were red and his cheeks had tear stains-

Wait...did he cry?

why is he crying? Is he ok?

Did someone bully him! I swear I will kill them

Gosh-I wanna cuddle him so bad

i haven't talk to him for many day, is this really a good idea? eh fuck I have to talk to chan tonight, I don't think I can keep doing this......

Attention // Hyunlix 🔚 under edit Where stories live. Discover now