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"Cough...Cough.." hyunjin looked up, and felix turned around to see all of their friends...staring at them, Felix quickly turned around, hiding his face next to Hyunjin's neck embarrassed~

Hyunjin sees how cute and flustered Felix was he smiled

"What you guys want" hyunjin asked

"We were just checking you....if you guys were fuc-"

"Alright that it minho, we Umm... just...walking pass ya know....and...like umm-" Jisung stuttered not knowing what else to say

"Tell you guys breakfast is ready....and we're gonna.. go out! So wanna join?" Chan quickly said

"We'll go down eat soon- baby do you want to go out today?" Hyunjin asked

"Awww omg he called Felix baby" Jisung squeaks a little, Felix shakes in head, still hiding from his friends

"Alright, I guess we'll stay at home then" hyunjin said, chan nodded and dragged everyone away. Before closing the door he mumbled

"Keep yall voice down...it was... very loud", hyunjin nodded and awkwardly smiled back at chan, chan shakes his head and closed the door behind


After everyone when out, hyunjin and Felix ate and when back to bed cuddling while watching some romance movie

Barbie and the dream house


They were watching
Love Simon, Felix's favourite movie

"Hey Jinnie?"

"Yes baby?"

"I love chu" and gives hyunjin this face
( ˘ ³˘)♥

"I love you too baby" hyunjin smiled and kissed the younger softly on the forehead making Felix giggle


Oh my my my, this was a long ass ride I guess???? Sksksk, from now on I'll be focusing uploading baby,crush // Minsung

I also have an another book, I'm currently writing too, along with baby,crush.͒◡⚈͒

But from now on
I love chu all (*˙˘˙)♡
-Thank you for Reading❤️🥺💛
I tbh never expect people like this and read it but anywaysssss
I love you all ❤️❤️

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