🌈 - 13

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(Angst time.... just a little bit angst heheh)


Changbin dragged Felix towards the other side of the backyard, Felix was still crying, at the Same time he was trying to pull his wrist out of changbin's hand

"Let me go" Felix Said


"What do you want from me, we're done and over" Felix said while hiccuping, Changbin stopped walking, he turned around and pull Felix in for a hug

"I miss you Lix, I want you back, I'm sorry for what I've done, I truly really want you back I miss you every single day"

"No, let me go, that's what you've told me before, I don't trust you anymore, you broke me Changbin, you fucking broke me, you don't understand how much pain I have gone through, when I needed you the most, you were not there, why? Because you were fucking around with other people when I was dating you, you sick bastard, I'll never trust you again" Felix yelled while crying

"Please Lix Baby, I could expla-"

"No you fucking can't, what is broken stays broken, I don't have the same feelings for you anymore, and I'll never will, I will NEVER EVER HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU EVER AGAIN! do you not know, you had me at a point where I would've left the entire world behind for you, you piece of shit"

"I'm sorry Lix, please, please forgive me, I'm really sorry for what I've done to you, it was all a mistake, I've only realised how much pain I was in until I broke up with you, I really need you, please, baby please come back to me, I'll treat you better"

"BULL SHIT, Changbin do you not understand, I don't want you anymore, you left me when I was at the hardest time of my life, you forced me to come out to my family, you forced me to sleep with you, you forced me to do illegal shits. You took photos of me naked and sent them to your friends, you've broken me Changbin. YOULL FUCKING BROKE ME, You broke up with me on my birthday, I had everything planned out, and you fucking called me and said you wanted to broke up, later when I find out the reason, it was because you've being fucking around with a girl, and got her pregnant, while we! WE! WE! Were FUCKING DATING!, how FUCKING RIDICULOUS, am i a joke to you? What was I when I was dating you? Did u ever loved me? do you not know how much pain I've gone through with you? I was ready to leave you, but I still fucking love you, well, not anymore until you truly fucked up my whole life, and now you even fucked up the girl's life by leaving her to comeback to me. now Fucking let me go, I never wanted to see you in my life again, LEAVE" Felix yelled the last word so loud, causing everyone in the house to come out to see what happened, Felix pushed Changbin away and start crying even more

"Yo, What the fuck is happening here" Chan said walking closer to the two boys

"Nothing hyung leave" Felix Said in a hush tone in a super deep voice, chan have never seen Felix that mad in his entire life, Jisung was also really surprised how different Felix just changed

"Alright..." chan said backing up, not wanting to anger Felix even more

Everyone waited at the window while hearing Felix yelling at Changbin

"Well...Felix is real mad"

"No shit Jisung" Minho Said


"Changbin please, I'm begging you, let me go.  We don't belong to each other, nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who I thought would never hurt me. I may fucking lost someone who didn't love me, but you have truly lost someone who fucking loved you. you know, sometimes I don't know what haunts me the most Changbin, the memories of you? or the happy person I used to be, now leave, I'm happy with my life now, I have people who really cares about me, I have a loved one, please step out of my life"

"Loved one?" Changbin Said and grabbed onto Felix's wrist again

"Why do you care"

"Is it hyunjin?" Changbin Said in a disappointed voice

"so what if? Is non of your business"

Changbin finally let go of Felix's wrist, he chuckled at the respond Felix gave him, he was disappointed, and yet very guilty to everything Felix said to him, it was true, himself really hurt Felix deep, he doesn't deserve Felix anymore

"I hope you and hyunji-...I'm sorry, I don't deserve you, you deserve better"

I guess hyunjin wins.....


OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK SO I DEAD YESTERDAY???! When Changlix posted like- HOLY SHIT- Changlix is alive once again

But anyway

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