7- Irresistible

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In the daytime, everything always seems much better than at night. All of those monsters go crawling back into the closet and the aliens fly back to their home planet. Or at least that's how it feels.

In Eva's opinion, there are more positives than negatives to look at. On the one hand, they may have been subjects in a science experiment conducted by aliens. But on the other hand, just look at this island! So many things to see and to do.

"Have you seen that shoreline? We should absolutely check it out one day," she tells the group as they are walking to meet Leo at the same place where they sat yesterday.

"When exactly?" asks Ben. "Before or after we run from aliens and save the planet?"

"You don't have to be such a party pooper," Eva tries not to take his comment to heart. For some reason, she thought now they would start getting along but it seems Ben still contradicts her whenever he can.

"And even if we'd have time, there are plenty of other things to do, " he continues as if he didn't hear her. "I think we should rent some bikes and tour the island."

"I've never..." Eva hesitates. "I've never liked bikes."

"Of course you don't."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eva does have trouble with remaining indifferent when talking to Ben.

"I am gonna stop you two right here before this turns into another argument," says Emily.

Eva smiles mischievously, "Emily, what do you think? Should we go to the beach or should we ride bikes?"

"Umm, well... I..." Emily hesitates.

"And you Roger," says Ben. "What do you think?"

"I don't mind all that much," he answers. "I guess we can do both if you two really insist."

"But what do you prefer?" Eva pressures.

"You can't keep dragging us into your fights," says Emily. "why can't you be around one another without arguing about every single thing you two say?"

"He's the one that always disagrees with me!" says Eva.

"That's not true!" says Ben.

"See? I told you so," Emily manages to shut them up at least until they meet up with Leo.

"So how did you kids sleep?" Leo tries to make some small talk. They all just sort of hum in response, avoiding eye contact. "Okay, I understand that maybe you don't completely trust me-"

"We don't," Ben cuts him off.

"-But we do need to work together on this," Leo finishes.

"What do you suggest we do?" Emily asks.

"I think we should test if the fact that you know I'm influencing you is helping you resist my words," Leo says.

"I don't like this idea," Ben says.

"You can test it on me," Roger looks up to meet Leo's eyes. "Tell me something to do."

"You don't have to do this, Roger," Eva says.

"One of us has to, and you are here to stop me if anything goes wrong," Roger answers.

"Are you ready?" Leo asks him and Roger nods. "Okay. Roger, go over to that tree."

Roger looks at the tree that Leo points at and then back at Leo.

Why shouldn't he walk over there, really? There's no harm in that. He knows that Leo affects him and yet it makes perfect sense to do as Leo said. In fact, something bad might happen to him if he does not walk over there. The more he waits, the more afraid he becomes.

He shouldn't go there.

Why not?

Because he has to fight this urge.

But he is in danger, he has to go there right now.

But does h-


Roger sets one foot in the direction of the tree. Instantly he feels an even stronger pull to do as he was said.

It's okay if he only goes halfway, right? Yes, he can go halfway and then stop. That would make him feel better.

The entire group watches Roger as he slowly picks up the pace towards the tree.

He forgot to stop. Oh, well, no harm is done. He can still stop at any second. But does he want to? Why did he want to stop in the first place? It seems much more reasonable to walk all the way. One more step and he's there.

Roger looks up at the rest of the group and seems completely unsure of what just happened. To him, it might have felt like an entire struggle but in reality, it took merely a second for him to obey.

"Maybe we should try again?" he asks, he is sure he can do better.

"Let me try," says Eva.

"Walk over there, Eva," tells her Leo.

Eva tries to resist this pull but fails just the same. So do Ben and Emily. The second time around is no different. Two hours later and the four have made no progress whatsoever.

"What if one of us tries to stop the other?" suggests Roger.

Emily shrugs, "we can try that."

"Eva, it's your turn now. Go and I'll try to stop you," Ben says.

Eva looks up at Leo again, "I'm ready."

"Go over there."

Just as before, it takes no more than a few seconds before Eva does as she was told. Then Ben steps up and blocks her path. Eva panics and tries to walk around him. Ben moves to block her again. Eva reaches out and tries to push Ben out of the way but he wouldn't let her. She is becoming desperate, hitting Ben harder and harder. He stays in place and tries to block her the best he can.

"Stop, Eva. You don't have to do this," he tells her.

"I do!" she yells and tears of fear and frustration start flowing down her cheeks.

"You don't, just listen to me. Don't do it," he insists.

"I have to!" Eva screams at him. "Let me go!!"

All of a sudden something changes. Ben's eyes become hazy and he stops blocking Eva. Slowly he lets go of her arms and moves aside. The moment her path is clear Eva shoots forward as if her life depends on it. The two of them look up at each other, confused.

"Did you just," Ben sounds shocked. "Influence me?"

"I think I did," Eva is just as confused.

"I didn't know it was possible," says Leo.

"How did you do it?" Emily asks.

Eva wipes away the remaining tears on her face, "I'm not sure."

"Well, try it again," Ben says.

"Pick up that leaf, Ben," Eva commands.

A few seconds pass and Ben doesn't move. "Nothing," he says. "I feel nothing."

"How can it be?" Eva wonders. "I influenced you only moments ago."

"But you were under my influence then," Leo points out.

Emily stares at them in shock, "So we can influence one another..."

"While being under your influence," Eva completes the sentence.

"I think so," Leo says. "We still need to test this theory but I think it is true."

"This is bad," Roger says with a dark tone to his voice. "It means there is nothing we can do to stop each other if we're given a command."

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