55 - The Happy Campers

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"Does anyone else feel like going out today?" Ben says at breakfast.

"Out where?" Eva doesn't take her eyes off the toast she is eating. Who knew a toast could be this good. With the butter and the honey and it's warm crispy texture and...

"Nature!" Ben says.

"We went to the lake yesterday," Roger says.

'Went' as in sat on the porch at the back of the house.

"We are at the lake every day!"

Also, what Ben says. There is no problem that can't be solved by a relaxing walk out at nature.

"Yes! Let's go camping!" Angie says. She stretches to try and get to the maple syrup on the other side of the table and when she can't reach it she stands up on her chair. Anything to not have to walk around the table.

"Camping?" Eva's past experiences with camping should be made into a horror movie, where she is the villain.

Ben smiles at Angie. Finally, someone here gets him. "Yes! It'll be great!"

It's good that he is too focused on his own toast to see Eva's face because if he did, he probably would drop the whole camping idea.

"I'm in," Emily says. She needs the change of routine.

Eva looks at Alice for rescue but Alice only says, "I'll make you a picnic." She must have missed Eva's cause of distress.

Ben is the first to finish his packing (actually, it is more likely that he already had a camping bag ready, just in case). He walks around the house, documenting all of the preparations with the camera that's been abandoned till now.

At noon they are all packed and ready to go. Alice decided to stay behind and watch the house. According to their past hiking experience I wouldn't hold my breath but you know, it's just me.

The five happy hikers don't seem to mind as they walk on some trail that Ben insists is on the map (he drew it there).

"Hi, did you notice that every time we do something fun it is always something that you like?" Eva says to Ben.

"Yup, that's because I like fun things," Ben says.

Eva rolls her eyes. Seeing as her first hobby that comes to mind is arguing with people, she doesn't have any suggestions. Maybe they can debate.

They didn't get too far from the cabin before deciding to make their camp. Emily, Roger, and Angie are on firewood duty while Ben and Eva set up the tents. The only reason Roger didn't stay to help with the tents is that this duo can make anyone feel like a third wheel, he'll help when they get back.

Eva holds the supporting pole, meaning she is inside the tent while Ben pins it to the ground. He is done with one side but Eva, not being aware of what's happening outside, lets go of the pole and the tent falls down on her. Ben can't stop himself from laughing as he pulls the fabric aside and helps Eva untangle.

There is a short silence as they sit besides the wrecks of what resembles a tent if you have a good imagination.

"I know what you want to tell me," Eva says.

"You do?" Ben blushes, does she?

"I know I should talk to Emily and put this whole thing behind us already," Eva pulls her knees in and lays her head on top.

"Oh, yeah, you should do that."

"I just..." Eva buries her face in her hands and screams. "I messed up so bad."

"It wasn't just you, you know."

"But I was the one who acted like... A monster," Eva can't even look at Ben, she is so ashamed.

"You're not a monster," Ben says. He wants to pull her in but drops his hand and leans back. "You were upset, and you said things you didn't mean. It happens to everybody."

"But to me it happens all the time," Eva runs her fingers through her hair. "I hate being like this."

"Talk to her," Ben nudges her with his shoulder. "She'll understand."

Eva nods silently. When she doesn't move Ben nudges her again. "Come on, what are you waiting for?"

"Wait, you mean now?"

"No time like the present," this sentence is so Ben that Eva snorts. "Tell Roger and Angie I need them for the tents."

The three were actually on their way back when Eva found them. It takes all of her will power plus the thought of Ben's disappointed face to go through with the talk.

"We need more wood!" She calls. "Em, wanna come with me?"

Emily looks at Roger for rescue and he takes it as a sign to take the branches she is carrying. Emily follows Eva on the pursuit of wood.

Eva delayed the thinking about what to say to the last possible moment, which turns out not to be the best strategy since now she is stuck. What was it that people always say at the beginning of an apology? Oh, right.

"I'm sorry," only after the words are out Eva dares to look up at Emily.

At first Emily thinks that Eva apologizes for stumbling her but then she sees the serious look on her face. Emily says nothing.

"I was an idiot, I shouldn't have lashed out on you, especially since it was all my fault to begin with. I'm sorry." Eva holds her breath as Emily seems to be processing the whole thing.

Then Emily smiles.

"Of course I forgive you," she says. "And it wasn't all your fault, I overreacted."

Eva lets out the breath and smiles too. "Let's not ever fight again."

"Fine by me," Emily hugs Eva. Eva, being short in the hugging the department lately, embraces her friend.

On their way to the camp Eva sees something that makes her stop. "Hi! Look at this!"

"What is it?" Emily immediately worries.

Eva walks over to whatever it is she saw and picks it up. "Nice, huh?"

"It's a... Stick," Emily says.

"Yup," Eva looks very proud of her finding.

"This is a good stick," Emily sounds like she is asking. She starts to wonder whether the pressure has permanently damaged Eva's cognitive ability.

"This is a great stick!"

"It is... Lovely."

"I know, right?"

When they get to the camp Eva sees the large pile of sticks that they already have there.

"It's still a good stick," Emily says.

Eva throws it away, "oh, please."

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