12- The First Shadow

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Have you ever seen a spaceship before? Me neither. Neither did Eva, Ben, Emily, and Roger. It's been around the island all day. Watching them, following them around. Invisible.

"You're not ready, you can't go there," Leo becomes much paler than humanly possible when he sees the shadow.

"They're already here! We have no choice, it's over either way!" Ben thinks it's better to come to them rather than wait around to be caught. And he does have a point.

Do you know these people who are always right about everything to the point that it just gets annoying? That's Ben right there. If you are one of those people, I apologize. Try to understand us simpletons for feeling threatened by your constant correctness.

"He's right, Leo," Eva agrees with Ben for the first time in recorded history. "We did all we can, now we have to act."

He thought they'll have more time. They weren't supposed to find them here.

"Angie's there," Emily says the one thing that can tip the scale.

"Alright, we'll go to them, at dawn."

The plan is simple.

Leo goes to wherever the shadow is, he waves at the spaceship in the hope that it lands so he can speak to them. When the dock is open, the four run inside (unless of course Leo can solve the whole matter by himself which in that case they go to celebrate at the bowling ally in the evening). They scan the spaceship until they find Angie and get her back. Easy.

Leo explained the basic structure to them so they know more or less where to go. This should work. This has to work. This will work.

As the sun sets neither of them can sleep. There's too much pressure. Emily thinks that she should be practicing now. What if she fails tomorrow? Eva wishes she was home. Ben and Roger play cards. Over and over again. No talking. Just playing. Anything that will distract them from the inevitable morning. And time passes, slowly, painfully, excruciatingly, horribly slowly.

The sun isn't even up yet when they leave the building. Everything is just blue. Pure. The most beautiful hour of the day. When the world didn't open it's eyes yet and everything is fresh and new like the day that just began.

They don't stop to appreciate the sight that was set for them. I mean, only one of them does. Roger ligers only for a moment and thinks of all the great pictures he could have taken right now.

They don't even have to look. The spaceship is waiting just out on the grass below the building. At least it's shadow is. Leo walks down there. The four stay in the shadows and watch as the black shape on the ground gets bigger and bigger. Wind blows all over the grass as the huge thing lands.

And then the ship becomes visible for the first time. Silver, round, huge. On what seems to be the dock that Leo told them about the four can see two people, um- aliens, standing. The only way to know that they actually are aliens is the fact that they come with a spaceship, otherwise you would mistake them for normal people.

"Angie isn't here," Ben whispers as they watch Leo getting closer to the two aliens, trying to seem calm even though inside he is going mad with worry for his daughter. Right again, Benny.

"Where is she?" he demands.

"What, no 'hello'? It's been a while, Leo," the older alien answers. He grimaces as he says Leo's human name, "I didn't know you are so attached to these beings."

Leo's eyes darken, "indeed it has been a while and I have learned more than a few things about these beings." The alien motions to the younger one and the latter pulls up a weapon and points it at Leo. "What are you doing?" Leo is having trouble hiding his stress.

"Oh, yes. You will soon get your precious girl back, we just have to run a few tests first."

"What tests?" Leo looks back at the hiding spot nervously.

"That's how we do things in science, or have you forgotten?" the alien sends Leo an unpleasant smile. "Now, I assume you know how disappointed I was when I heard about this little stunt you pulled. Did you really think we won't find you here, or the subjects? It's not a very big island, not many ways to escape." Leo says nothing as the alien talks. Ben takes a step forward, ready to jump at any minute. "Where are they, Leo?"

"You will never succeed," Leo says. "You can't control this planet, you can't ruin it, they will not let you."

"How sweet," the alien remains serious. "Are those four little experiments really worth your life, your daughter's life?"

"I've had enough," Ben huffs. He walks out of the quickly disappearing shadows, "I'm right here, come and get me."

"And me," Eva stands beside Ben.

"Me too," Roger says.

"Take us, leave him and the girl alone," Emily says.

"As you wish," the older alien looks at them with an expression they can't quite figure out. "Get inside."

Eva starts walking. So do Emily and Roger. What are they doing? Ben shook it off right away but the other three, they just walk, silently, obediently. So Ben does the same. He walks.

"It's over, you gave up your right to witness our victory," says the alien to Leo.

And then the weapon fires.

"No!!!" Ben yells. "Leo!"

Leo falls to his knees, his hand holding his stomach. He looks up at Ben and says, "take care of them. I need you to re-" Leo has trouble talking. He holds his wound, trying desperately to look up at Ben.

The alien just looks at Ben and yells, "walk!"

Ben, too distracted to even think of resisting, quickly joins the other three and walks onto the dock.

Leo slowly sinks into the grass. He's not sure if it's the cloaking mechanism kicking in or just his vision getting blurry as he loses blood but he can't see a thing anymore. The first ray of sun shines on the grass that is still damp from the dew. Leo takes in one last breath before his body gives in and the earth takes him back.

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