64 - Bizjet

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Eva is finally ready to go to sleep. She showered and brushed her teeth and put on a mismatched pajama set. Something is missing, though. Instinctively, Eva goes to the kitchen. She opens the fridge and takes out the fetta cheese her dad always gets. She takes a knife and slices herself a piece. Then she gets another piece. Then she decides to check if they have any snacks. She opens the cupboard above the sink and takes out some crackers. She then gives up the whole slicing-one-piece-at-a-time thing and just stabs the fetta cheese with a cracker.

Better, but not perfect just yet.

Now she wants dessert. There must be some chocolate around here somewhere. Her dad usually hides away the really good stuff because otherwise, she'd finish everything. Not that it was necessary when she wasn't around. On the third attempt, she finds the chocolate stash. Only dark chocolate. Oh, well, better than nothing. She breaks a piece and then another one before putting the chocolate back in place.

She tiptoes her way back to her room so she doesn't wake Ben and Roger in the living room. Great, now she has to brush her teeth again. She walks into her private bathroom. It feels so good to be this clean. Eva decides to take her perfume with her on their journey. According to what she knows about the blue race, which has a really long name that'll probably return to her soon, they shouldn't be offended by perfume.

When she walks out of the bathroom, her dad is in her room.

"How are you still awake?" She asks him. Out of the two of them, he has always been the one to fall asleep while watching movies.

"I was just thinking," her dad says. He sits on the side of her bed and fluffs her pillow like he used to do when she was little. "You are different than how you were three months ago."

Eva knows that he has a point but he is not ready to get to it just yet. She gets into bed.

"You look so calm and mature, you are so much like your mother."


"I know," her dad says with a sad smile. "I need to ask you for something and I know you are not going to like it but please, let me ask." Eva nods. "Don't go with your friends. Stay here, I can keep you safe. We will go away if you want to. Anywhere in the world, just don't leave."

"I can't," Eva's voice breaks. This would be so easy. This is what she wanted. But they need her, she can't abandon her friends. Not now, not ever.

Her dad nods. "You are so brave. I just wish you didn't have to grow up this fast."

"I still feel like a kid," Eva says.

"So do I," her dad smiles now. There is a comfortable silence in the room. The curtain moves slightly and lets in one ray of pre-dawn light. "Anything I can do to help, tell me and it's done. I know I am clueless when it comes to extraterrestrials but I'm very good with humans."

Eva smiles, "if you have a way to get us to Midway that would be great."

"Actually, I think I do," her father says. "I didn't get to tell you, last month I got a private jet."

"You got what?"

"Private jet, plane, bizjet. You know."

"I can't believe it! I always told you to get one and the moment I leave, you decide it's a perfect time?"

"I just have some meetings in..."

"Can I fly it?"



"Absolutely not."

Eva narrows her eyes at her dad but the serious expression goes away as fast as it came.

"Goodnight, Eva."

Her dad turns off her light and closes the door on his way out.

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