19- Gourmet Food

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"Yum," the look on Eva's face clearly shows that her opinion of the food is nowhere near yum. I wouldn't blame her though, concentrated vitamin enriched protein paste with a side of carb powder isn't exactly the classic definition of yum.

"Come on, VEPP isn't that bad," Ben adds some powder to his paste and mixes them together. "When you add the powder it almost tastes like..." he takes a spoonful and the tries desperately to push it down his throat.

"Barf," Emily completes Ben's sentence.

Ben finally manages to swallow, "nonetheless, we have to eat. We don't know how long it's going to take till we get out of here. We need to stay strong."

"Okay, on three we all take a bite," Eva says. "Ready? One, two... Three."

The four all make very unhappy sounds. Only Angie eats her spoon without any complaints. "Hmm. It reminds me of dad's cooking." She takes another bite and seems pretty pleased.

They all try another bite, hoping the second one will be better. It isn't. "Ben, you should have left this cursed box where you found it, I can't believe you took it after you tried it once yourself," Ben ignores Eva and forces himself to take another spoon.

"Well, I'm going on lookout." Eva says, not wanting any more of the food. "See you guys later."

Roger found a door at the back of the ship that he could open so they can look out to the endless sea. They decided to take turns sitting there to watch out for anything suspicious. Now it is Eva's turn, and she's not too keen on being responsible for everyone's safety.

She walks to the back and takes her shoes off. She sits on the edge of the ship and puts her feet in the water. Much better.

Eva loves the sea, or at least she did before she was stuck in it. She used to go surfing every summer and she was actually pretty good. That was one of the few things she was good at. She'd never admit it, but failing at things terrified her. That's why she barely ever tried anything new. Although it seems like years away, she thinks back to the day she agreed to go to the island.

There was no way she would ever, ever have done it if it wasn't for Leo's influence. Even her dad couldn't convince her. She really misses her dad. On the last day before she left, Eva told him that it was his fault, that everything was his fault. She said he could never be mom.

Tears start rolling down Eva's cheeks as she rememberes her own harsh words. Why is she even trying? Trying to live, to survive? Why did she bother trying so hard to escape?

Slowly, without even knowing, Eva gets closer and closer to the edge of the ship. She slides forward, wanting to be part of the water, to let them swallow her up and make her gone.

"Wow, Eva. What are you doing?" it's Ben.

Eva is now sitting at the very edge, holding on with her hands so she doesn't fall to the water. Most of her legs are already soaked. She looks back.

"Thinking of a little dip in the ocean, aren't we?"

She backs up into the ship, "just leave me alone."

"Can't, it's my turn to be lookout."

She pulls herself up and walks away, "enjoy yourself."

"Wait, are you okay?" Ben calls after her but she's already gone.

When Eva walks into the main room Emily notices her half-soaked pants. "Did Ben push you in the water?" she giggles.

"I sort of fell," Eva tries to sound normal but drama club was one of those things that she never tried.

"I'm sorry, Evs. I didn't know you were upset. Please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."

Eva looks around the room trying to find a way out. The only options she has are the storage room or to go back to Ben. "I hate this place," she sits on the floor.

Emily walks over and sits by Eva. Roger is pretending to do something in the control panel so he doesn't have to say anything, Angie's napping.

"I just... I can't be here anymore, I'm freaking out," Eva talks to her feet and then looks up at Emily. "I don't belong here, I'm the last person that should be here. I just wish I could wake up from this dream and go back to my life."

"I know. I wish every day when I open my eyes to discover that none of this was real. But it is. We've learned things, we've seen things that people can't even imagine. We have to continue, we need to look out for these people. So that they can live their lives."

"I know..." Eva looks out the single tiny window. "I just wish I could take my dad and go away where no aliens and no bullshit can ever find us."

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