Part I: To Protect - Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time in a Brothel

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I'm only going to give this disclaimer once. Anything you recognize from Lord of the Rings, I don't own. Anything else is mine.

Rated PG-13 for violence, adult languages, and adult themes and situations.


Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time in a Brothel


I slid the chamber closed on my 9mm one last time before I replaced my Glock in its hip holster. My hand reached out to pull on the trunk lid.

"Come on! Pop the trunk, old man," I good-naturedly ribbed my partner.

"Why? Are you really in such a hurry to bust up a whorehouse, Lane?" Mike laughed while reaching in his pocket for his key fob and pushing the trunk release on the remote.

"Oh yeah," I laughed. "It's my ideal way to spend a Saturday night."

Mike snorted as I reached into the trunk for my gear bag and grabbed his as well to toss to him. "Girl, you gotta get your priorities straight." His olive skin twisted into a sly smile and I knew what was coming. Even if his use of "girl" hadn't tipped me off to the unwanted marital advice every single woman seemed doomed for. "I've got a cousin who'd be just perfect for a single gal like you."

Read: He's single.

"Really?" I snorted. "One of your hundred cousins is still single?"

Mike grinned wider. "Well, I'm sure one of them still is."

I strapped my back-up weapon, a nice compact .40 caliber Smith & Wesson, into my ankle holster and pulled my boot-cut slacks over it. The tennis shoes didn't exactly go with the dress slacks, but I was more from the school of wearing clothing that was comfortable and that I could run in. Mike tended to be old-fashioned. A lot like the other forty-something detectives were, actually. He still wore dress shoes, a shirt and tie, and either a sport coat or jacket. And if a suspect decided to rabbit, I was the one who had to catch them. Mike insisted it was because I was junior to him as a partner, but I always insisted it was because he was wearing a suit.

Mike grunted as he pulled his bulletproof vest over his increasingly protruding belly. Okay, maybe I had to chase the suspects because Mike had had one too many donuts over the years.

"Ugh." Mike grunted along with a few choice swears as he retucked his shirt at his back.

Definitely too many donuts.

Hey, clichés are clichés for a reason. They're usually true. You try sitting in a car for hours waiting for something to happen without lots of coffee and some donuts to soak up all the liquid caffeine you poured down your throat in an effort to stay alert.

I smoothed my own vest in place and grumbled under my breath, "Why couldn't we just let Vice handle this?"

"Because they may be able to handle a normal prostitution raid just fine, but this new group from Mexico running these girls are bad news, Lane. Vice are used to pimps who beat on their girls and yeah, occasionally kill a few if the pimp gets outta hand, but these guys are something else. They already killed four guys that we know of in the Lower-Eastside gang. Brutal shit too. You saw the crime scenes. If the CPD doesn't shut them down now, we're gonna have a goddamned bloodbath on our hands when it becomes a street war. That means Homicide, Narcotics, Vice; everybody plays nice and works together." He shoved his now empty gear bag back into the trunk and turned his head away from me as he said under his breath, "Even if none of us want to work together."

I tossed my bag into the trunk as well and shut the lid. "I know, Mike. I've just got an uneasy feeling about this raid."

"You worried about that curse that Gypsy woman put on you yesterday?"

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