Chapter 10: Almost Like Paradise

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Walking through the south gate, I was again overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of my surroundings. The trees were larger than anything I'd seen or even imagined.

I strained my ears as we walked, and heard harmonious singing floating down from the trees. Elves dressed in the same sort of uniform as Haldir's men passed by us on their way out the gate. Ellith also wandered around in groups, draped in fine dresses.

My breathing started to become shallow again as I anxiously looked at all the elves we passed by. They seemed friendly enough, looking our group over curiously as we passed, but I couldn't shake the phantom ache of fear that coursed through me.

A warm hand suddenly grasped mine, giving me the strength to focus my breathing and concentrate on the present. I glanced up at Legolas's gentle smile, thankful for the anchor he had provided me.

As Haldir passed by to lead us up the stairs, he paused and glanced down at my hand entwined with Legolas's, but I couldn't place the look on his face when he met my eyes. It was curious, but something else too.

I followed the others up a winding set of stairs, my hand in Legolas's. We passed many flets on either side of the stairs, each softly lit with glowing lamps, but we continued on our way up. When we finally reached the highest talen, I was surprised I wasn't winded. Or that no one else was either.

A great house stood at one side of the large open talen. Like everything here, it was stately and beautiful, with that same softly glowing light emanating from it. Great ivory colored pillars stood at the edge of the great porch in front of the house. Vines were carved in twining patterns up the pillars. In fact, everywhere I looked, leaves, vines, flowers, and other images of nature and wildlife were capriciously carved into the walls, balustrades, even sporadically carved into the floorboards. The sheer splendor was overwhelming and breathtaking. Then again, I was certain that was part of the goal in the design of their receiving area.

"Bring forth the Fellowship," a male voice called out, his voice strong and clear.

I looked up to see a tall ellon, regally dressed in flowing silver robes that nearly matched his pale hair. His eyes were focused on the marchwarden at his command, and I could only assume by his stature and commanding presence that this was Lord Celeborn.

Legolas glanced down at our hands, then up to my face. I could see the question and concern in his eyes, so I carefully pulled my hand from his and gestured him forward to the others with my eyes. I may have traveled partway here with the Fellowship, but I wasn't one of them. Just a stray they'd found and that had tagged along some of the way with them.

The Lord and Lady of Lórien spared a bare glance at where I waited at the back of the platform, but then focused all their attention on the Fellowship.

"I am certain my lord and lady shall speak with you shortly," Haldir whispered, suddenly appearing beside me with a hand lightly grasping my elbow.

I jumped at his sudden appearance, my focus diverting from the gathering before me to the elf beside me.

"I'm sure they will. I've been away for weeks now though, so I'm sure I can wait a little longer. I'm almost more eager for a hot bath at the moment than anything," I whispered back to him, flicking dried mud from my upper thigh.

He laughed softly in return, and we both returned our focus to the others.

The co-rulers were busy addressing the Fellowship about what happened and inquiring about Gandalf, but having read it in the books, I wasn't all that interested in a repeat, so I let my attention wander.

Soon, I had absorbed my elaborate and elegant surroundings, and moved on to appraising the gathered elves. I'd stuffed my feelings and emotions deep within myself, and found that I was able to coolly and objectively assess the elves that had escorted us to this talen. Unsurprisingly, they were all tall and gorgeous.

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