Chapter 12: Beyond This Land of Parting

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Legolas jogged ahead of me, tugging on my hand to pull me along behind.

But my free hand ran searchingly over my hair and braid again as I asked, "Are you sure I got all the twigs and leaves out of my hair?"

He slowed and glanced back at me over his shoulder, a smile lighting his face as his pale blue eyes twinkled happily in the early light of dawn. "I am certain," he assured me. "But come, the army shall move soon and we have yet to pack."

I picked up my pace, passing him, and tugging on his hand as I chuckled, "You were the one who said we had time for one more." He merely laughed in that tinkling, musical way of elves, so I told him, "Remind me to teach you the art of the quickie, not that I'm against your thorough methods, but sometimes haste is best."

"'Quickie?'" he repeated, his brows drawn together.

I paused as we came into sight of the army's sentries. "Yeah, think of it as a race to the finish line. First one to cross wins," I whispered suggestively.

His face tilted contemplatively and I laughed again, tugging him onward. "We definitely don't have time now."

The sentries looked startled as we jogged past, but made no comment as we sailed by and on to where our empty bedrolls still lay.

We were just kneeling by them to roll up our blankets when Gimli snorted one last time and woke.

"Mornin', Lad, Lassie," he greeted loudly through a yawn.

I was glad the other soldiers were already awake. Gimli seemed to do very little quietly.

We both answered his greeting, but kept packing.

"What's that on yer neck, Lassie?" Gimli suddenly asked. "And on yer chest, Lad … oh. Oh!" he exclaimed, suddenly stuttering in a flustered manner. "I—ah—well, it's really none of my business," he groused, his cheeks under his beard brightening. "Maybe this dwarf does sleep too soundly," he whispered to himself. Which meant that we still heard him clearly.

My head jerked down, but I couldn't see my own neck; yet glancing over at Legolas, I saw that there were reddish teeth marks visible on his collarbone where his tunic hadn't been tied all the way yet. He fingered the mark and looked up at me, his hand reaching out to finger whatever mark was on my neck.

"I did this?" he whispered, shame highlighting his expression.

The skin under his fingers felt smooth, so I could only assume what it was. "It's only a hickey. My pale skin means I'm really susceptible to those marks, but they fade," I assured him in a careful whisper. "Besides, I'm the one who bit you. Again," I apologized back.

He shrugged. "Truly I had not noticed the mark until now; it does not pain me, and indeed at the time pain was far from my mind."

I felt a blush creep in at his easy discussion of our intimacy, and turned back to Gimli.

"We, ah … went … for a walk, Gimli," I tried to explain to the dwarf.

He cleared his throat. "Of course, of course, Lass. And were quite apparently attacked by some creature in the forest which was bent upon suckin' the flesh from yer neck."

I felt my cheeks heat more and my jaw drop. "I really regret breaking open this side of you, dwarf," I grumbled. "If I wasn't against picking on little people I'd do something about it."

He picked up his blanket as he walked past us. His initial embarrassment apparently long gone. He paused behind me as he rumbled near my ear, "Ya have bits of twig an' leaves at the bottom of yer braid, Lass."

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