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The next day I woke up just like every other day but, in a complete different room. I was confused, didn't I just kill myself?

Where are my scars?, I thought as I looked at my wrists. No blood, no scars. It was as if my entire suicide never happened.

What was going on?

I didn't understood what happened, so I decided to look around in my room hoping i'd find some answers.

After a few minutes a woman I have never seen before came in, based on her age I'd say she could be my mom.

"Ouch you're already up",

she said surprised.

"What happened, where am I?",

I asked.

"Don't be silly Noa, are you ready for your first day of school?",

the woman asked.

"Yeah I'm very exited",

I decided to play along until I knew more.

"Good get dressed, breakfast is in ten minutes",

the woman left.


first day of school,

what the hell?!

I went to the bathroom to put some water in my face hoping I'd wake up or something.

Well it didn't work, in fact it put things in perspective. I wasn't even looking as myself anymore. \

Who or what was I looking at?!

Ouch my god was I reincarnated?!, or does that only happen in movies?

What happened? And why?!

Did I actually lose my mind?

No the only thing I lost was my body and my life.

What was going on?

How was I supposed to life like this?

A million thoughts popped up in my mind as I kept staring at my mirror reflection.


What the hell is going on?! I thought I ended things, no I know I ended things. Yet I'm back? How am I even here?! I'm in a strange room, there's a woman I've never seen before. She called me "Noa", who even is she?

I've never been so confused diary, what is happening to me?!

Well I guess it's time to go to school now. I'm a bit nervous. I really don't wanna go there again.

XOXO Selena

I decided to go to the school library before school to find some information about reincarnation.

I was really deep into it when the bell rang. Of course I had no Idea what class I had, I didn't even know which class I was in. I took the books with me and tried to find my class.

It felt so weird being the new kid, everyone looked at me but not in a bad way.

I still had no idea what class I was in so I tried to find a teacher, I ended up asking the principle.

It was really awkward but he helped me get to the class I was in.

I was in the same class as Fenna and as if that wasn't awkward enough the only seat available was next to her.

"Can I have everyones attention? This is our new student Noa so make her feel welcome",

the principle said.

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