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"So what exactly happened? I mean it's not like you just woke up in a different life right?",

Fenna's voice broke the never ending silence.

"Actually that is what happened",

I said while enjoying Fenna's fingers stroking through my hair.

"That's insane, I wonder what happened to the actual Noa",

Fenna said thoughtfully.

"Yeah me too.. and what was her deal? I mean so far her life seems perfect..",

I sighed.

"Everything is not what it seems",

Fenna smiled.

A silence fell again. We both lied on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hold on, I think I know where we might find Noa",

an idea popped in my head all of the sudden.

"Really? Where?",

Fenna looked up curiously.

"Well my foster mom found me in the woods, so what if Noa was found as me by the train?",

I said thinking out loud.

"Makes sense but I'm not sure I can handle seeing you and being with you at the same time",

Fenna got a little scared.

"Yeah me too but I need to know what happened and why",

I said as I took my bag and sighed deeply.

"I'm coming with you",

Fenna stood up too.

"No really you don't have to, I'll be fine",

I said as I walked down the stairs.

"Selena Marjorie Grace Evans Stars I am coming with you!",

Fenna became serious.

I'm not sure what confused me more, the way Fenna just talked to me or the fact she knew my full name.

"Alright alright but only if Mike comes too",

I said while taking my phone out of my pocket.

I texted Mike we headed to the train rails, he agreed to meet us there. As the rails came closer I felt my stomach turning around, the amount of memories I had here were insane. Full disclosure this wasn't the first time I had stood in front of these rails wanting to throw myself onto them. However it was the first time I actually did it.

"Hey guys",

Mike walked up to us.


Fenna waved.

"So whats the plan?',

Mike asked as he fixed his gaze on me.

"I'm not sure",

I said as I felt myself getting sick.

"Maybe we can go to my dad's gas station if Noa is really reincarnated into you she must have figured out you stayed there",

somehow Mike always knows a smart solution.

"Hee are you okay?",

Fenna took me close to her.

"I'm fine let's just get along with Mike's idea",

I said quickly.

Everything to get away from here, the memories this place gave me made me feel very nauseous.

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