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It's been two years since all of this happened, I still think a lot about it. I am getting therapy for my depression but it's hard because I can never talk about the whole reincarnation thing. They would never understand, I once tried to talk about it with my therapist and she came up with all kinds of excuses on why it wasn't real.

Well I experienced it and it was definitely real. I still have all my scars to prove it.

Throughout therapy I've discovered that I have PTSD, it's because of the abuse and bulling I've been dealing with.

Luckily I got EMDR therapy, it's basically following a light with your eyes and ticking a rhythm with your hands. I don't know how or why it works but it does.

I still live with Ashley, I mean mom. We're really close and have a lot of fun together.

It's almost weird for me that I'm loved by a parental figure but I'm getting used to it.

There's no screaming, beating and kicking. I'm finally good enough.

Of course I've always been good enough because we are good enough even if others make us feel like we're not. That's something my therapist taught me.

I'm staring to love myself and the world is finally becoming brighter.

I do have days where I feel like total shit and I don't want to get out of bed but luckily I have the best alarm clock.

Ashley bought me a puppy so at around nine it jumps on my bed, licks my face and if I don't get up she takes my blankets away. Her name is Misty.

My foster parents are in jail, after a few therapy sessions I decided I wanted to indicate them to get closure. It worked. I'm so glad I no longer have to be afraid of them.

Fenna and I are still together too. We've taken many cute photo's together and had amazing dates.

She always makes me laugh and is there for me whenever I need her.

I'm always there for her too. When I have a bad day she always knows just the thing to cheer me up.

Mike and I are still besties, we spend a lot of time together. And he even started writing a story about how I got reincarnated. He also has a girlfriend now, Noa.

Jup I was just as surprised as you are.

We all stayed in touch and we've met up a couple of times. Noa moved here recently and apparently that's when the fling turned into a thing.

I'm so happy for them, they're so cute together. We now go on double dates sometimes.

I'm studying to become a therapist myself, learning about mental health actually helps me understand myself too.

I really wanna help traumatized kids later, I wanna give them the help I've always needed but never got.

Because I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I've been through.

I'm kinda grateful for the experience of being reincarnated. It showed me the beautiful side of life and that I shouldn't give up on it.

There's one thing I've learned throughout all of this, get help! I know how hard it is to admit that you need help and the ask for help. But do it, everyone needs someone.

So whether it is a teacher you feel comfortable with, a friend or even just an adult you feel comfortable talking to. Talk to someone, there are also phone numbers you can call. Or if you find it hard to talk about write it down and give it to someone.

Because life is worth living. Even if it sometimes doesn't feel like it.

Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed my story. Thanks for sticking with me through all this craziness.

Dear Diary,

A typical day in my life. Misty took my blankets, I had therapy, went shopping with mom, and went on a double date with Fenna, Mike and Noa. We're on our summer break now. I mad a bunch of new friends at my new school. I'm having loads of fun and I'm actually invited for a party!!

Well that's it for today,

XOXO Selena.

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